Daycare center fines parents who pick up their kids late

15€ fine in case of delay

The rule went into effect on January 3. Indeed, parents who are late to pick up their children in daycare will have to take out their wallets. At the first delay, they will have to pay 5€, at the second the parents will have to pay the sum of 15€. Finally, on the third delay, the daycare may no longer accept the child.

A controversial measure that the town hall justifies

On the parents’ side, the measure did not go unnoticed and caused a lot of talk. The town hall explained itself to the microphone of our colleagues from France Bleu, explaining that this measure was put in place because the daycare closes at 6.30 p.m. and that the people who work there also have a contract which ends at the same time.

Our agents are penalized by these delays. It’s a lack of respect towards them… When 6.30 pm strikes, they are supposed to leave their jobs. When they stay, they are on overtime. They are not paid, they must be recovered. And it’s hard to get this time back”, explains the assistant in charge of school affairs, specifying that there would still be a little flexibility.



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