Baghdad Summit 1 and 2 and its desired goals, by the writer / Talib Qassem Al-Shammari

convened Baghdad Summit Conference 2 in Jordan at Shade Exceptional global circumstancesNodular difficulty and sensitivity It’s conditions The Russian warand Ukrainian And loads and consequences that warn world war So what caught f Launched evils To include all kinds of weapons of mass destruction primarily economic and political Its area is the world that suffers today from crises of inflation, food and water scarcity, and sharp international polarization between the major countries, and its repercussions on the underdeveloped and developing countries of the world and their peoples who live below the poverty line. These poor peoples yearn for peace and social security that cannot be achieved.Achieved by wars and fighting, but achieved by the dialogue tables And understanding and closeness And transparency in international relations under such circumstances conspiracy Baghdad Summit 2 Iraq works diligently, perseveringly, with faith and with the ambition of its people Intention To get out and get rid of the disasters and crises of four decades of wars and blockade terrorism and sectarian conflicts Sectarian racism Primarily the two decades who followed the brutal American occupation And every time the Iraqis get out of it delusion They rush their lives to continue non-stop They work with their originality, courage, and hardness, which they are known for They gather Their surgeries and work with their national will, which they are known for To grab their rights and realize their dreams so that they can enjoy a free and decent life they deserve it.

The Baghdad Conference 2 was held, and Iraq and the Iraqis are considering their immediate stage Like a phase recuperate Despite their multiple concerns, they are working on extension Bridges of cooperation with his brothersM And his neighborsm and their friends In all honesty and integrity They are waiting for them Helping hand and help for them Lakmato Their career in construction, reconstruction and reform and anti thCorruption and return of his moneyM looted lhave The Baghdad summit conference came2 Let’s gon and partnership To achieve these goals and beyond And Iraq is a pivotal country through a locationWhat is the strategic geography and what it possesses Wealth, human resources, competencies, and history capable also on me fashion Helping hand Likewise To help his brothers and friends with all his qualifications and In They take from himvia And experiences in facing crises and challenges And for Iraq to return to a platform of peace, security and love for its brothers and neighbors, getting rid of the proxy wars that took place. on its national territory Some people still want this mill to continue Nonstop wars And the Iraqis reject that They only accept that their homeland, Iraq, be a platform for peace, harmony and convergence And brotherhood and mutual respect betweenbetween Everyone The Baghdad 2 conference was held on the basis of opening the doors to all closed doors to become a platform for cooperation and peaceM, growth and development between siblings And friends and all the peoples of the region and pushing for creative cooperation at all levels, renouncing violence and violenceof theDistraction in the affairs of others, respect for their sovereignty, and closing all files that established the region’s crises, conflicts, and strife to replace it Peace, harmony, understanding, dialogue, and strengthening the trust that has been absent because of all these crises and complexes of all kinds and names. lhave TIraq carried a lot and paid a price Occupation disaster f wrongs committed once morest him From these premises, the Baghdad 2 contract is to be a platform for peace, construction, reconstruction, development, renunciation of aggression and interference in the affairs of others, and distancing itself from polarization, blocs and alliances that undermine Security and peace in the region and these One of the most important starting points of the Iraqi government program is to make Iraq a sponsor for achieving and consolidating peace and security in Iraq AndIts regional neighborhood and the whole region Participant, cooperative and hard working To end conflicts and wars in the region justly And agree and find practical and objective exits to solve and disassemble For all crises in exceptQalim because serious participation in Solving such crises, complexes and files is sufficient to build a stage of development and achieve peace and security in the region because stability, peace and painThat and end wars and conflicts protect f Guarantee For construction, development and investment projectsone that move the area andIraq in particular is a qualitative and promising transition that will compensate the Iraqi people for their patience and tolerance of all types of coffeeShabby, scourge and multiple strife warsH The faces and forms in which the Iraqis were placed And Baghdad Conference 1 and 2 must be invested and the necessary projects should be started in the first place Cooperating with Iraq in restoring the national infrastructure And help him succeed in combating corruption, returning his looted funds, and building projects Industrial, agricultural and commercial joint receivedTo revive the Iraqi economy, which is trying to get out of its crises And at the forefront of it all is Not to interfere in his affairs Domestic and sovereign patriotism fSupport his serious steps in achieving cohesion and internal construction implementation of its government programme



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