In just a few hours, the year 2022 will completely turn around and never come back.

Only those who know how to torture themselves will continue to suffer to recount all this suffering as if tomorrow the entire island of Madagascar will sink into the sea.. Is that really the saying: it is easy to die but it is difficult to live? They are theirs, but they passed through the earth, leaving only traces, and no one remembers them anymore. Dissolved completely down to the name (especially those who forget the name given to them by their parents but are living cowards hiding in nicknames that show their weakness.

This is not the case with us who leave a good, true and beautiful story for our generation and the Malagasy generation that will come following us and are still alive today.

Leave your crisis where you are and let others rejoice and rejoice. And don’t lie too much in the process of life: it is a rising weight but the ideology of the champions of « Fake news » (deliberately false news spread with the aim of manipulating or deceiving the public) is spreading on the ground.

2023 ? If you raise your patriotism, if you know how to listen to others and find a solution when there is a problem instead of waiting for others, you are like me: you will reach 68 years of living on earth (five times admitted to hospital, two surgeries); not renting a house; self-employed (ie no overtime) and spending time with children and grandchildren.

Some may say: “So you have.” Yes, sir. He had the will to change when it was time to change, so he did not lose his faith and fear of God until now. To me, money is a tool, not a tool.

I don’t have that car; don’t have it ” Bank account “ that’s it. But they don’t suffer because they know how to live and they don’t know how to torture themselves.

The secret? In reading the Bible, my Lord, who does not deviate but follows what is written, such as the following:

“But you, when you pray, enter your closet, and when you have closed your door, pray to your Father, who is in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will answer you”. Matthew 6:6.

“And then don’t worry regarding tomorrow; but tomorrow he will worry regarding his own. The evil that appears in him is enough for the day”. Matio 6 : 34 (‘enough is the wickedness of this day’)

The bottom line? Don’t wait until you are in trouble to remember the presence of God. Be angry but don’t sin so when there is conflict (it has to happen) don’t wait for the sun to rise before you find a solution because it will lead to no end and destroy the whole society. Be humble and say no when you feel that your actions will cause harm.

Finally : Forgiveness does not mean forgetting. But avoid revenge.

Jeannot RAMAMBAZAFY – End of 2022 – All photos are taken in USA



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