Which team did Joe Biden choose to form his cabinet?

Joe Biden will become Wednesday January 20 the 46e President of the United States. To govern at his side, the democrat carefully chooses the people who will constitute his cabinet. Diplomacy, internal security, agriculture… Fifteen people have been appointed and will have to be confirmed during hearings in the Senate.

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  • Vice President: Kamala Harris

Who is it : former attorney general and senator from California and rising star of the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris is the first female vice-president of the United States. The post of vice-president is separate in the cabinet: he is not appointed by the elected president but elected alongside him during the November election. Her role as vice-president also makes her president of the Senate, an essential function. which will allow him to tilt any tie vote on the Democratic side.

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  • Secretary of State: Antony Blinken

Who is it : Antony Blinken, 58, is a seasoned diplomat who spent time in Barack Obama’s administration, in which he served as deputy secretary of state. With this appointment to this prestigious post, Joe Biden intends to return to a more classic and less aggressive diplomacy than that of Donald Trump, who jostled his allies, flirted with autocrats and broke international conventions.

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  • Attorney General: Merrick Garland

Who is it : Justice Merrick Garland was chosen by Barack Obama to become a Supreme Court justice in 2016, but his nomination had been blocked by Republican senators who had even refused to audition him. At 68, he is currently head of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, a body renowned for the importance of the cases that pass there. If confirmed by the Senate, he will have to work to reaffirm the independence of the Ministry of Justice and initiate the reforms promised by Joe Biden, in particular on the issue of violence within the American police.

Judge Merrick Garland in Wilmington, January 7, 2021. (JIM WATSON/AFP) (JIM WATSON / AFP)
  • Secretary of Defense: Lloyd Austin

Who is it : At 67, Lloyd Austin is a former general in the US Army. He served as Commander of United States Central Command from 2013 to 2016 during the Obama administration. If Joe Biden’s choice is confirmed by the Senate, he will be the first African-American to hold this position.

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  • Treasury Secretary : Janet Yellen

Who is it : economist and professor emeritus, Janet Yellen was the first woman to head the American central bank, the Fed. If her appointment is confirmed by the Senate, she will become the first woman to hold this strategic position. Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, she called for not looking at spending and postponing concerns regarding the public deficit.

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  • Home Secretary: Deb Haaland

Deb Haaland in Washington, July 2019. (MICHAEL BROCHSTEIN/SIPA USA/SIPA)
Deb Haaland in Washington, July 2019. (MICHAEL BROCHSTEIN/GIRL USA/GIRL)

Who is it : former president of the New Mexico State Democratic Party, this 60-year-old politician, who belongs to the Laguna Pueblo tribe, had already distinguished herself in 2018 by becoming one of the first two indigenous women to enter Congress. , in the House of Representatives. If her role is confirmed by the Senate, she will become the first Native American in history to hold a ministerial position.

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  • Commerce Secretary By Gina Raimondo

Who is it : Governor of Rhode Island since 2015, Gina Raimondo will inherit, if confirmed, complicated files, such as the trade wars waged by Donald Trump’s government or the regulation of technology giants.

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  • Secretary of Agriculture: Tom Vilsack

Who is it : Tom Vilsack was Governor of Iowa between 1999 and 2007, then Secretary of Agriculture of the United States from 2009 to 2017 under President Barack Obama.

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  • Labor Secretary: Martin Walsh

Who is it : Democrat, former deputy, mayor of Boston since 2014, Marty Walsh will become, if confirmed by the Senate, the first trade unionist to lead the American Department of Labor for nearly fifty years. When he was president of a union, he had considered in particular the increase in the minimum wage or parental leave. In his post, he will have to take care of working conditions, while the pandemic has upset business habits.

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  • Secretary of Health and Social Services: Xavier Becerra

Who is it : Democrat deputy for California from 1993 to 2017, Xavier Becerra has since been Attorney General of California, a post which he succeeded Kamala Harris. In particular, he led a coalition of some twenty states asking the Supreme Court of the United States to validate the legality of Obamacare, historic law on access to healthcare for all.

  • Housing and Urban Development Secretary: Marcia Fudge

Who is it : mayor of the city of Warrensville Heights (Ohio) from 2000 to 2008, Marcia Fudge, 68, has since been elected to the House of Representatives, where she chaired the Congressional Black Caucus from 2013 to 2015. Her name had circulated before the appointment of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s running mate.

  • Transportation Secretary: Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg at the announcement of his withdrawal from the Democratic nomination race, March 1, 2020, in South Bend, Indiana.  (SCOTT OLSON/AFP)
Pete Buttigieg at the announcement of his withdrawal from the Democratic nomination race, March 1, 2020, in South Bend, Indiana. (SCOTT OLSON/AFP) (SCOTT OLSON/AFP)

Who is it : Joe Biden’s moderate ex-rival in the 2020 Democratic primaries, Pete Buttigief is the former mayor of South Bend, a medium-sized town in the state of Indiana. This 39-year-old former soldier, unknown at the start of the nomination race, has experienced a meteoric political rise. If the Senate approves his nomination, “Mayor Pete” would become the first openly LGBT person to hold a permanent position in the president’s cabinet. In a press release, Joe Biden recalled that he would have at his own expense “jobs, infrastructure, equity and climate”. In the midst of a pandemic, he will also have to look into the case of the air sector, hard hit by the crisis.

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  • Energy Secretary: Jennifer Granholm

Who is it : lawyer, former Michigan prosecutor and governor of the same state from 2003 to 2011, Jennifer Granholm, 61, has worked on green energy in particular during her career.

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  • Education Secretary: Miguel Cardona

Who is it : son of parents from the US territory of Puerto Rico, a former public schoolteacher who in 2019 became Education Affairs Commissioner in Connecticut, where he grew up and taught, Miguel Cardona, 45, said the school had well been for him this ” social ladder “ she should be. In a statement announcing his choice, Joe Biden described him as “a champion of public education”. He offers there a profile opposite to Betsy DeVos, billionaire and very controversial Minister of Education of Donald Trump, fervent activist of the private school. He will have the heavy task of organizing the reopening of schools in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Secretary of Veterans Affairs : Denis McDonough

Who is it : Denis McDonough served as Barack Obama’s chief of staff from 2013 to 2017 and previously served as Deputy National Security Advisor.

  • Homeland Security Secretary: Alejandro Mayorkas

Who is it : At 61, Alejandro Mayorkas was a United States attorney in California and director of United States immigration and citizenship services. He then served as Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security from 2013 to 2016 under President Barack Obama.

Hearings for candidates nominated by Joe Biden began on Tuesday, January 19, the day before the inauguration, with Alejandro Mayorkas at Homeland Security, Lloyd Austin at Defense, Janet Yellen at Treasury and Antony Blinken at Foreign Affairs.



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