Orange: towards the installation of a solar farm in Aube – 01/06/2023 at 10:27

( – Orange announced yesterday the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Reservoir Sun, a benchmark player in solar electricity self-consumption for businesses and communities, for the installation of a photovoltaic power plant in Bercenay-en -Othe (Aube), whose commissioning is scheduled for 2025.

The floor area will cover 50,000m2, the equivalent of 7 football pitches.

With an installed capacity of 5 MW (1MW for self-consumption and 4MW for reinjection), the plant will cover 20% of the site’s energy needs and the excess electricity can be reinjected into the network.

The production of local and carbon-free electricity, corresponding to the equivalent of the annual energy consumption of 1,700 households, will save more than 100 tons of CO2 per year.



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