Basic Basket Bonus: how much is the January amount and when will it be collected?

The Basic Basket contribution It is part of a series of state benefits stipulated by the government of Gabriel Boric, to face the rise in prices due to inflation.

Regarding the recent approval of the new Budget Law 2023there were modifications in the conditions to apply for the Basic Basket Bonus, which we will detail below:

What are the new requirements?

As stipulated by the state agency, the beneficiaries must meet certain conditions, such as:

Beneficiaries are people who, al August 31, 2022, have been the cause of payment for the Family Subsidy, Family or Maternal Allowance; or have been participants in the Security and Opportunities Subsystem or Chile Solidario.

How much is the amount for January 2023?

The value of the monthly allowance is $13,516 and will be delivered according to the situation of each beneficiary:

People who usually receive IPS benefits and who meet the Bonus requirements, the payment will be associated to the same form in which they receive the previous contributions.

Personas not habitually beneficiaries of the IPS and with CuentaRut in force, the payment will be deposited in that bank account.

Personas not habitually beneficiaries of the IPS and without an active CuentaRut, the payment will be in person. You can check your place and date of payment on the website of the Social Welfare Institute

What day can you charge?

For 2022 beneficiaries, the monthly payment will be on the 30th of the current month and will continue until April 2023. Meanwhile, the list of new users will be published on Monday, January 30, 2023 and its annual coverage will extend until April of this year.

You can check if you are a beneficiary on the website provided by the Social Welfare Institute. You only need your RUT and date of birth

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