Good news for those suffering from insomnia … a headband that stimulates “rapid sleep”

Head that bears the name "Frenz" The individual’s feeling of sleepiness increases, and he closes his eyes faster.

And conducted a company "Erbil" A study included a sample of a thousand people, and found that the headband helped them fall asleep 19 minutes faster, compared to what they were at an earlier time.

The result showed that those who wore the headband were able to fall asleep in a shorter time, by 56 percent on average.

This gang was supplied with sensors So that you can keep up with brain signals and facial movements, to know the way you interact with some sounds.

The headband, which is wrapped around the head, includes an important library of contents that have been shown clinically to be useful until the individual enters into a deep sleep, such as what is known as"Cognitive behavioral therapies" And"Soothing noise".

This gang, which is currently available for pre-orders, to be ready with the advent of spring, chooses the sound that best responds to the user, and then works to play it.

This headband won the Electronics Show, which was held in Las Vegas, Nevada, this week.

And this gang was developed by Professor Tam Fu, who left his post at Oxford University Last year, to devote himself to his research project following receiving funding of ten million pounds sterling.


According to the British Daily Mail, a gang Head Which bears the name “Frenz” increases the individual’s feeling of sleepiness, so he closes his eyes faster.

And the company, “Eribel”, conducted a study that included a sample of a thousand people, and found that the gang helped them fall asleep faster by 19 minutes, compared to what they were at an earlier time.

The result showed that those who wore the headband were able to fall asleep in a shorter time, by 56 percent on average.

This gang was supplied with sensors So that you can keep up with brain signals and facial movements, to know the way you interact with some sounds.

The headband includes an important library of content that has been shown clinically to be useful for an individual to fall into deep sleep, such as what is known as “cognitive-behavioral therapies” and “calming noises”.

This gang, which is currently available for pre-orders, to be ready with the advent of spring, chooses the sound that best responds to the user, and then works to play it.

This headband won the Electronics Show, which was held in Las Vegas, Nevada, this week.

And this gang was developed by Professor Tam Fu, who left his post at Oxford University Last year, to devote himself to his research project following receiving funding of ten million pounds sterling.



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