Dina Boluarte: Head of the DINI provided biased information about the protests

The president In Boluarte explained this Wednesday the reasons that led her to take away the trust of the resigning head of the National Intelligence Directorate (RELIGION) Juan Carlos Liendoin the midst of the sociopolitical crisis that the country is experiencing and on the verge of the resumption of protests in various regions.

Speaking to RPP Newsthe head of state stated that reading He had been “biasing the information” that he provided to the Executive by “wanting to call all the people who go out to the demonstrations as terrorists” when “they are not.”

“We cannot generalize everyone as terrorists, we must be very careful,” he said.

Boluarte He pointed out that the vast majority of Peruvians who go out to protest do so for just reasons, seeing that their demands are not met, but that there is a minority linked “to drug trafficking and illegal mining,” as well as people who have served sentences for terrorism that incite violence in demonstrations.

“There is a smaller group that generates violence, airport seizures, which have a political and economic interest. There are people from Movadef, people who, serving their sentence as terrorists, now released, have been located in the marches,” he said.

The president He said that in the exercise of his position he receives intelligence reports from the Armed Forces and the National Police, which he considered “official channels” in reference to the statements by Liendo, who the day before suggested that Boluarte receives “informal” intelligence reports. .

“As to reading I’m just going to say that the information he gave us was directed more to an external nature and not internally, which was what we needed to responsibly address the issue of violence,” he said.

In addition, the president pointed out that the RELIGION it is “an organic institution that has professionals who continue to fulfill their functions” and do not depend on a single person. “There are professionals who deliver their corresponding reports […] It is not only the director of DINI who has the job in his hands, it is a whole group of people who help in that look of intelligence,” he emphasized.

Boluarte announced that Liendo’s replacement at the DINI headquarters would be named in the next few hours, but indicated that he still cannot reveal the name.

Boluarte reiterates that there will be no impunity for deaths in protests

The president In Boluarte He also called for peace and unity for all Peruvians in the face of the call for protests starting this Wednesday in various parts of the country, and reiterated that there will be no impunity in the case of the deaths that occurred during the December mobilizations of last year.

“To bring a message to the entire Peruvian population in the south, who are communicating on the networks that the protest marches are beginning today, by the Constitution we know that the marches are allowed if they are of a peaceful nature, that is why I want to address the brothers to speak to them regarding the importance of peace and unity and the commitment that we must all have for the good of our families and the great family that is Peru,” he said in RPP News.

He also specified that the transitional government is committed to learn the truth regarding the deaths that occurred during the protests in December 2022, for which they requested a quick investigation and that responsibilities be identified.

“I assure you that there will be no impunity, we have given our full support to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights because we ask that they come and visit on their own and see what happened in the country, we also invite the High Commissioner of this Commission to come for him to come in January, therefore we are giving all the facilities,” he said.



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