Traffic lights adorn themselves with hearts


Canton de ZurichTraffic lights are adorned with hearts

In Dübendorf (ZH), heart-shaped stencils were placed on some traffic lights. This is an action of the public works department of the municipality.

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The inhabitants of Dübendorf (ZH) had a nice surprise: Heart-shaped stencils were affixed to several traffic lights. “It made me smile. However, I had to look twice, because I had never seen it before, “says a 25-year-old reader to “20 Minuten”. At the time of his discovery, two other women were present. “We all agreed that we found this action megacute,” she continues.

If she does not know who is behind this action and what their intentions are, the young woman sees an almost metaphorical meaning in it: “It showed me that waiting can be something very beautiful and that it should not not always be bad,” she explains.

An official action

The «zurioostdiscovered who was behind this action… which turns out to be official. This is the Office of Public Works. “It’s not an easy time right now. The war in Europe, the energy crisis, rising prices and always new bad news. We wanted to make people smile with hearts”, explains Raymond König, director of the department.

The six stencils cost 35 francs each and therefore did not make a hole in the coffers of the city, assures Raymond König. If they can be easily removed, that’s not the goal. “Hearts must stay where they are,” he concludes.

Forbidden to manipulate the lights

The manipulation of the Dübendorf traffic lights was only recently discovered by the Zurich cantonal police. Its spokesperson, Alexander Renner, recalls, however, that individuals are prohibited from tampering with the signaling devices. “It becomes particularly dangerous when the signal, in this case the red light, is no longer recognizable,” he says.

( Anna Ehrensberger/aze)



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