Thousands demonstrate against abolition of abortion rights

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Von: Bettina Menzel

Demonstrations are taking place in many cities across the United States at the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022. © Mathieu Lewis-Rolland/Getty Images/AFP

The US Supreme Court set the abortion case law back by 50 years with a ruling on Friday. There were demonstrations in dozens of US cities.

WASHINGTON – The US Supreme Court on Friday overturned the landmark ruling “Roe v. Wade” on abortion in the United States. Thousands of people took to the streets in dozens of US cities.

According to the decision of the US Supreme Court: Tougher abortion laws come into force in seven US states

According to the US Supreme Court’s decision, states are free to enact their own abortion laws. States can allow abortions, ban them completely or restrict them – in seven US states stricter laws came into force on the same day of the verdict. More than seven million women were already affected by this on Friday, like that New York Times reported. Other states are expected to follow suit and tighten their abortion laws. In 26 states it is certain to probable that abortion would be banned, according to the US news channel CNN.

In some states – about Kentucky, Louisiana and South Dakota – the tightening of the laws happened so quickly because there are so-called “trigger bans”. These are bans that come into force automatically after the ruling of the US court. These automatic bans are in place in 13 states, but in some of them there is a delay – after around 30 days. Many conservative states had also already prepared for the verdict so as not to lose any time.

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Donald Trump hailed the Supreme Court’s verdict on Friday as “God’s decision.” The former President of the USA is considered to have paved the way for the decision, because he appointed three during his tenure by a total of nine federal judges, which clearly moved the Supreme Court to the right. Conservative justices now have a clear majority on the US Supreme Court, six to three.

USA: Thousands demonstrate against US Supreme Court decision

In the USA Thousands of people took to the streets on Friday to protest the Supreme Court’s decision. There were demonstrations in Washington, Miami, Houston, Austin, Denver, Nashville, San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles Philadelphia and New York City, among others. “Abortion is a human right” was one of the slogans. The organizers spoke loudly The Guardian of 380 protests nationwide.

“Join the activists who have been sounding the alarm about access to abortion for years and take action. Stand with them at a local protest,” former US President Barack Obama called on his fellow citizens on Twitter. In Saint-Louis, however, abortion advocates demonstrated in front of the last clinic in the state of Missouri that still performed abortions. Missouri was one of the states that banned abortion right after the court decision.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken assured that the US government would continue to advocate for the right to family planning worldwide despite the court ruling. Under the government of President Joe Biden The State Department will remain committed to ensuring that people around the world have access to “reproductive health care” and family planning. In the USA itself, this right is no longer available to all citizens. US President Joe Biden announced measures to protect women’s rights, but is relatively powerless in the face of the US court’s decision. At least six states still have abortion rights. The governors from California, Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York, among others, professed their liberal stance on abortion (AFP/dpa/bme).

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