Song Yimin church lends and donates street survey!People support Xiao Tiantian: I ate 5 bowls of instant noodles and ordered them indiscriminately | Entertainment Star News

Reporter You Dinggang / Report from Taipei

▲Song Yimin exposed Xiao Tiantian’s “indiscreet private life”, and the public satirized, “I ate five bowls of instant noodles indiscriminately.” (Photo/Sanli News Network)

Artists Song Yimin and Chen Weiling’s husband and wife presided over the “Yi Qi Shine” church, because they had disputes with Britney Sweets and quit the church in anger. Many artists who had attended the church in the past accused shady. A few days ago, the Song Yimin Church issued a statement stating that “”Xiao Tiantian has a situation in her private life”, which led to a series of turmoil. “Sanli News Network” special reporter conducted a street survey “Song Yimin’s church borrows money and donates, are you willing?” The video has been viewed by more than 110,000 people within less than a day. Among them, some interviewees laughed and said, “Xiao Tiantian’s private life is indiscreet, and she only eats 3 bowls of instant noodles in one meal. I have eaten five bowls of instant noodles in one meal. I am really indiscreet.”

Song Yimin Church requires church members to borrow money to donate, but the people find it hard to accept,

▲Song Yimin Church requires church members to borrow money and donate, but the people find it difficult to accept, “I donate money, and the pastor lives in a luxury house.” (Photo/Sanli News Network)

How much do you know regarding the Song Yimin Church incident? Some people think, “I don’t know if the operators are too fanatical believers, or…there is a problem with the interests?” The church members were asked to go to the bank to borrow money to make donations. The people were surprised and said, “I can’t! Who would borrow money to donate to others? It’s ridiculous! Donate money should be donated only if you have the ability”, “You donated this money, The pastor (Song Yimin) lives in that kind of mansion. I don’t think it should be like this.” Some people think, “It sounds like a scam, and the donation should be how much you have the ability to do.” But some people think, “Giving is a personal choice, and borrowing is in your own name. If you choose to borrow, then you can’t blame others!”

People questioned,

▲The public questioned, “Who would borrow money to donate to others?” (Photo/Sanli News Network)

When they went on stage to testify that the scripts were all pre-set and the pastor had to read the content, the people said, “After all, most members of the church are actors, and this is their instinct.” When you tell a story to others, it’s a performance, and this kind of sharing is meaningless.” But what if everyone else is crying? “The people said, ‘I’m definitely going to leave positively.

The church asked to cry, and the people laughed and said,

▲The church asked to cry, and the people laughed and said, “If you really can’t cry, just close your eyes!” (Photo/Sanli News Network)

Song Yimin Church asked for loans and donations, and the people thought,

▲Song Yimin Church asked for loans and donations, and the public thought, “It’s fraudulent money!” (Photo/Sanli News Network)



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