Chinese mothers are proud to take their children to see the history of Shen Yun | Shen Yun Performing Arts | San Jose Performing Arts Center, California | Traditional Chinese Culture

[New Tang Dynasty News, Beijing time, January 01, 2023]On the afternoon of December 31, a mainland Chinese immigrant mother brought her children to watch theShen YunNew Era Art Troupe inSan Jose Performing Arts Center, California(Center for the Performing Arts).She said that the performance showed the pureChinese traditional culturethe children love it very much, and she is very happy that she and her family have made the right decision.

Debbie Chen, a Chinese immigrant: “The spirit of Chinese culture conveyed by this work is very accurate. Her natural beauty, her love for nature, and her love for human beings are very sincere, very pure, and very Naturally. I love it a lot, and so do my kids.”

Before immigrating to the United States, Ms. Chen worked as the deputy director of the teaching and research section of a well-known University of Political Science and Law in Beijing.Take the kids into the theater to watchShen Yunshe bluntly said that the trip was worthwhile.

Debbie Chen: “Intuitive education, using art to educate one’s children, so that he has a deep understanding of his own culture, this (aspect)Shen YunVery well done. Because of the historical stories she tells, the (development) of Chinese art, five thousand years, and the origin of the development, she tells very clearly. “

“After watching it, I feel very proud! Our Chinese culture can have such an art group to convey the essence of Chinese culture to the world. This is what she does very well. I will recommend this program to My friends, and those who have never heard of Shen Yun. Because the culture of their own nation is the most fundamental thing for their own existence in the world. There are such art groups to spread her, create her, and make her more beautiful , this is a very, very rare thing.”

She particularly appreciates the dedication of the Shen Yun artists.

Debbie Chen: “I can feel that these young actors have devoted a lot of enthusiasm and hard work to perform this show well. I can feel their spiritual happiness and joy.”

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Regarding the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong and other groups in China today, she believes that any suppression cannot change people’s beliefs.

Debbie Chen: “Every nation, every group of people has its own beliefs. I think the best way is to let them develop independently without interference, so that they can express their own wishes and ideals. This In the process of the development of various human races, it is the most correct method. Any oppression, persecution or obstruction may not be able to truly hinder what others really want in their hearts.”

Let the children experience the real traditional culture, she said that she will come again next time.

Debbie Chen: “I’m very happy that our family has made a decision to let me take the children to watch such a movie aboutChinese traditional cultureThe show is very well done, and they like it very much. “

Reporter: “So you will come again next time?”

Debbie Chen: “Oh, I will!”

(For more information, please clickShen Yun official website booking information

NTDTV’s San Francisco reporter station interviewed and reported

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