two volunteer firefighters saved a baby who had drowned in breast milk

It happened in the San Juan town of Chimbas. The little girl arrived without vital signs, but they managed to revive her.

An extreme situation. A baby who arrives at a volunteer fire station in the arms of her mother and without vital signs, in the middle of the morning, choking on breast milk. And two public servants who don’t let despair win and save her.

The incident occurred on Saturday just following 2:30 a.m. at the police station. Volunteer firemen from the San Juan town of Chimbas.

Roberto Robledo, 45, and Daniel Pereyra, 18, were the two volunteer firefighters on duty. One experienced, with more than 15 years of service, and another that is just beginning to retrace the path of service.

Both were at the barracks when they received a call from the baby’s family from inside Villa Morrone, requesting help as the baby was not breathing. Minutes later, the same relatives They reached the door of the barracks with the baby in their arms.desperate for help.

“I received it and they informed me that the baby was drowning. When I checked her I saw that she was not breathing at all, so I I did the Heimlich maneuver to get him to come back to life.“Roberto told the newspaper The SJ Province,

“In the first instance, he breathed for two or three seconds and drowned once more. I kept practicing the maneuvers for a minute and a half or two, and then I managed to get the baby to let off steam and breathe on her own.“He finished recounting the episode in which the life of the little creature was played.

Roberto can be considered a veteran in these matters, since It is not the first time that he has to save the life of a minor: two years ago he managed to revive a child following choking on meat.

“Beyond nervousness and everything else, it was possible to work in coordination with the baby’s relatives. Thank God I had to be there both times and save both lives,” said the San Juan firefighter.

“I haven’t been able to tell my family regarding last night’s situation yet because I haven’t retired from guard duty yet, but when I de-stress a bit -because I was ‘accelerated’- I’m going to call them to tell them. It’s something that has no name, I don’t know how to explain it. It’s very big, very beautiful,” he said, still shocked by what he had experienced.

After they managed to stabilize her, the baby was transferred to the Baez Laspiur health center, where following the first check-up it was found that her state of health was good. However, for the peace of mind of her parents, she was later taken to Rawson Hospital for monitoring.

The heroic performance of these public servants occurred in the same week that his work was minimized by Sergio Federoviskythe second of Juan Cabandié in the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, by downplaying his performance in forest fires.

“We are quite firm in asking the provinces to start deactivating the idea of ​​using volunteer firefighters for this type of fire,” argued the Secretary of Environmental Control and Monitoring of the Nation.

“Volunteer firefighters are only, preferably, prepared or trained to put out a fire in a building, in a house. It’s something else, another logic. In addition, they are volunteers,” concluded the official, who also, minutes later, sowed suspicions on the funds received by the Volunteer Firefighters.

Despite Federovisky’s apologies, at the Volunteer Fire Stations across the country on Thursday night they blew the sirens of the fire trucks in protest at the official’s statements.


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