The start of the minimum pension increase today, January 1, 2023.. Know the details

Today, Sunday, the National Social Insurance Authority began raising Minimum wage The insurance subscription was raised to 1,700 pounds instead of 1,400 pounds, and the maximum insurance subscription wage was raised to 10,900 pounds instead of 9,400 pounds..

appointment Raising the minimum and maximum wages The insurance subscription comes in implementation of the provisions of the new Insurance and Pensions Law promulgated by Law No. 148 of 2019, which included an annual mechanism to increase these two limits, within the framework of implementing the axes of reforming the social insurance system with the aim of improving the value of the pensions of the insured at the end of their service and pension entitlement. The decision was made that the minimum pension for the end-of-service person, as of January 2023, becomes 1105 pounds, while the maximum pension is 8720 pounds..

Major General Gamal Awad, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Authority for Social Insurance, confirmed that there is no conflict between the minimum wage for the insurance contribution and the decision to set the minimum wage at 3000 pounds, as the minimum wage for the insurance contribution is determined by the value of insurance contributions for many groups of irregular workers as workers. Contracting, construction, building, quarries, saltines, municipal bakery workers, fishermen and other groups for whom it is difficult to determine an employer, as well as determining their monthly income, and then the law decided their participation in the social insurance umbrella on the basis of the minimum insurance subscription wage.

The Social Insurance and Pensions Law promulgated by Law No. 148 of 2019 specified the cases in which the pension of the beneficiary is cut off, and Article 105 stipulated that the pension of the beneficiary be cut from the beginning of the month following the month in which one of the following cases is fulfilled:

1- The death of the beneficiary.

2 – Marriage of a widow, widower, daughter or sister.

3- The son or brother reaches the age of twenty-one, with the exception of the following cases:

(a) The incapable of earning until the end of the state of incapacity.

(b) The student until the date of joining a job or practicing a profession or the date of reaching the age of twenty-six, whichever is earlier, and the pension of the student who reaches the age of twenty-six during the academic year continues until the end of that year.

(c) The holder of a final qualification until the date of joining a job or practicing a profession, or the date of reaching the age of twenty-six for those with a bachelor’s or bachelor’s degree, and the age of twenty-four for those with lower final qualifications, whichever of the two dates is earlier.

4- The availability of conditions for entitlement to another pension, taking into account the provisions of Articles (102 and 104) of this law.



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