[속보] 2022 trade deficit of $47.2 billion… 14 Years After the Financial Crisis By Hankyung

© Archyde.com. [속보] 2022 trade deficit of $47.2 billion… 14 years since the financial crisis

Photo = Yonhap News It was tallied on the 1st that Korea recorded a deficit of 47.2 billion dollars last year. It is the first time in 14 years that Korea recorded an annual trade deficit since the 2008 global financial crisis.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced the December and annual export and import trends on the same day, and announced that last year’s exports increased by 6.1% year-on-year to $683.9 billion, and imports increased by 18.9% to $731.2 billion.

Despite uncertainties such as the Russia-Ukraine war, Korea achieved record-high exports, but a surge in energy imports increased imports far more than exports, leading to a trade deficit.

Until December, exports remained negative for three months in a row. Exports in December recorded $54.99 billion, down 9.5% from the same period last year, and imports recorded $59.68 billion, down 2.4%. The trade balance this month is a deficit of 4.69 billion dollars.

Reporter Kim So-hyun alpha@hankyung.com

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