Is it important to restore pensions?Media people praised Li Sichuan for handling these 2 points and helping Jiang Wanan hand over the municipal report card

Reporter Chen Guanfu / comprehensive report

Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan fulfilled his pre-election promise a few days ago, asking the Social Affairs Bureau to restore the Chongyang Senior Citizen’s Fund from 1,200 yuan to 1,500 yuan, which aroused heated discussions. In this regard, media person Wei An said that in fact, the issue of pensions for the elderly is not important. Instead, Vice Mayor Li Sichuan went to Neihu to inspect traffic improvements and municipal hospitals to study how to increase long-term care beds.

“Did Jiang Wan’an get the most out of the three fires when he took office?” Wei An posted on Facebook on the 30th. In the past two days, Jiang Wan’an and Ke Wenzhe have been talking regarding each other in order to distribute 1,500 yuan in respect of the elderly; in fact, this issue is not important at all. . Wei An pointed out that it is Jiang Wanan’s other two policy actions that are most concerned by Taipei citizens; one is to visit Neihu with Li Sichuan to improve traffic problems, and the other is to go to municipal hospitals to promote research on increasing long-term care beds.

According to the big data survey of “Internet Thermometer”, Wei An found that the top 5 municipal issues that Taipei citizens are most concerned regarding are: 1. Social housing 2. Old city appearance and urban renewal 3. High housing prices 4. Neihu traffic jam 5 . Long-term care services. He said that less than a week following taking office, Chiang began to care regarding and deal with two of the five most concerned issues by the public.

Wei An pointed out that the green and white will definitely be strictly inspected, and Jiang will not even have a honeymoon for a day, so he must work every step of the way. He believes that only by handing in the report card of the “speaking past” in the first three months can he have a stable and easy life in the past four years.

further reading
Jiang Wanan’s “one move” shocked the Hong Kong media!Bold Prophecy: The Kuomintang has a play in 2024
Li Sichuan refutes Ke Wenzhe’s hopelessness! Netizens complained that he once shouted “Nine months to solve Neihu traffic”
Is it important to restore pensions?Media people praised Li Sichuan for handling these 2 points and helping Jiang Wanan hand over the municipal report card



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