National News Agency – Al Sharq: Mikati: I signed twice to save the salaries of the military

NNA – Al Sharq newspaper wrote:

Hours before the fall of the last sheets of the calendar for the year 2022, the Lebanese politics, in which the language of speech is suspended, seemed to be on vacation that will extend until the end of next week as the country enters the New Year’s and Christmas festivals for the Armenian community at the end of next week. The official movement has declined remarkably, but the problems are The “ministerial” political, presidential and economic ones are as they are, and are even likely to get more complicated, with each political party entrenched behind its positions and interests that impede the regularity of public life in the country and push towards further sinking into the bottom of hell.

Signing decrees

In the context, and in the followingmath of the clash between the Serail and Mirna Chalouhi over the signing of the ministerial decrees, the caretaker Minister of National Defense, Maurice Salim, signed the decrees promoting the officers, as received by him on December 30, 2022, from the Army Command, for the first batch of the year 2023 of all ranks. . He also signed once more the decrees promoting the officers from the rank of colonel to the rank of brigadier general, which were also received yesterday from the Army Command, for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, because they were not issued at the time, and all of them were referred to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers in accordance with the rules.

We won’t stop

And while it was said regarding the possibility of inviting the caretaker prime minister, Najib Mikati, to a cabinet session, Mikati hoped that “the new year would be the beginning of Lebanon’s exit from the suffocating crisis it is going through, and that all good wills converge to deal with the many files and put the country on the path to a solution.” While receiving the staff of the Presidency of the Government on the occasion of the end of the year, he said: “Lebanon has gone through difficulties and harsh conditions throughout its history, but it always got up and started once more. This launch is not difficult with the cooperation of all wills and with the presence of unknown soldiers like you who work silently despite the harsh conditions.” He said, “We will not give up hope for the rise of Lebanon and the return of things to normal, and we will continue to carry out our duties and will not stop at obstacles and difficulties.”

in the edifice

Presidentially, President Fouad Siniora confirmed from Bkerke, following his visit at the head of a delegation, the Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Mar Beshara Boutros Al-Rahi, that “the priority is to elect a president inclusive of all the Lebanese and to return to our democratic system, a majority that rules and a minority that opposes.”


Meanwhile, the vacancy infiltrates official departments and institutions. In the context, the caretaker Minister of National Defense, Maurice Selim, issued Resolution No. (1838 / W) related to assigning Brigadier General Dentist Melhem Haddad from the General Inspection to conduct the work of the General Inspection until the appointment of an original Inspector General. Minister Salim met Brigadier General Haddad in his office in Yarzeh yesterday morning, expressing his “confidence in him to manage the affairs of the inspectorate to the fullest,” and provided him with his directives, wishing him success in his duties.

French Defense Minister

Meanwhile, French Defense Minister Sebastien Locorno, who arrives in Beirut within hours, announced, via his Twitter account, that he will visit Lebanon to spend New Year’s Eve with French soldiers in UNIFIL in southern Lebanon, announcing that he will also visit “the site of the explosion in the port of Beirut.” Where the elements of the French army cooperated with the elements of the Lebanese army in close cooperation.

At Ibrahim

Not far away, the Director General of General Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, received in his office before noon yesterday the Commander of the United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Major General Aroldo Lazzaro Saenz, and discussed with him the general conditions on the southern border and the existing cooperation between General Security and UNIFIL forces.

no electricity?

Economically and living, electricity supply has become a candidate for further decline following the dispute between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Energy over the appropriation required from the Banque du Liban to secure it for the necessity of the Electricity of Lebanon Company.

I get annoyed at Bree

At a time when the dollar was stable, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri received, at the headquarters of the second presidency in Ain al-Tineh, the Minister of Economy in the caretaker government, Amin Salam, where a presentation was made of the general conditions, especially the economic ones. The Speaker also received the Director of the Middle East and Central Asia Department in the Fund International Monetary Former Minister Dr. Jihad Azour.


Security, on New Year’s Eve, Minister of Interior and Municipalities Bassam Mawlawi confirmed that “350 churches will be protected, 519 officers will be deployed on the ground, 7,700 personnel, and 433 patrols will be deployed to maintain security and order on New Year’s Eve,” saying, “I will watch over maintaining security and safety, and the security plan extends beyond 1 -1-2023″. In a press conference, he asked the citizens to “cooperate with the security forces in maintaining order and security and to realize the danger of indiscriminate shooting.” Mawlawi added, “The serious investigation is continuing in the case of the shooting at the Al-Jadeed building. There are patrols of the Information Division stationed at the building, and we will get to the truth.”

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