Pele in Morocco.. A historic meeting with the Arab black jewel

pellet Visit Morocco, West, sunset In 1976, on a trip with his Brazilian team, Santos, for a friendly confrontation with a team composed of giants Please Andlove in a White House.

Meet the Black Gem

• Morocco possessed an exceptional player who was awarded the title by the European press "The Black Pearl" Which was later acquired by Pele, from the legend, Larbi Ben Mubarak.

• Ben Mubarak was one of the first Arab players to be active in European leagues. He started his career with Olympique de Marseille in France in 1938, 20 years before the world knew Pele in the World Cup in Sweden.

• Ben Mubarak’s career in France was wonderful in his first season, where he won the top scorer title and led his team to the league runner-up, but the World War put an end to the journey in 1939.

• After the war Ben Mubarak returned to France to score 50 goals in 90 matches, to earn a title "The Black Pearl"And then he moved to Atletico Madrid in 1948 in a record deal of 17 million French francs, to win the Spanish League and the Spanish Cup, and score 56 goals in 113 games in 5 seasons.

• Pele was well acquainted with the brilliant brown Moroccan player in European stadiums, and when he went to Morocco, he expressed his gratitude for meeting him.

• The Brazilian legend gave his number 10 shirt to Al-Arabi during his visit to Morocco, took souvenir photos with him and assured him that he was learning from him and trying to imitate some of his skills.

Pele said: "If I am the king of football, Larbi Benmbarek is the god of the game".

• The late Brazilian star said that Ben Mubarak would have developed football if he had been born several years later, instead of 1917, to coincide with the golden age of football, pointing out that "The Black Pearl" Arabic was a source of inspiration for him in Brazil.


pellet Visit Morocco, West, sunset In 1976, on a trip with his Brazilian team, Santos, for a friendly confrontation with a team composed of giants Please Andlove in a White House.

Meet the Black Gem

• Morocco possessed an exceptional player who was awarded by the European press the title of “Black Jewel”, which was later acquired by Pele, from the Arab legend Ben Mubarak.

• Ben Mubarak was one of the first Arab players to be active in European leagues. He started his career with Olympique de Marseille in France in 1938, 20 years before the world knew Pele in the World Cup in Sweden.

• Ben Mubarak’s career in France was wonderful in his first season, where he won the top scorer title and led his team to the league runner-up, but the World War put an end to the journey in 1939.

• After the war, Ben Mubarak returned to France to score 50 goals in 90 games, to earn the nickname “The Black Jewel”, and then move to Atletico Madrid in 1948 in a record deal amounting to 17 million French francs, to win the Spanish League and the Spanish Cup, and score 56 goals in 113 games in 5 seasons.

• Pele was well acquainted with the brilliant brown Moroccan player in European stadiums, and when he went to Morocco, he expressed his gratitude for meeting him.

• The Brazilian legend gave his number 10 shirt to Al-Arabi during his visit to Morocco, took souvenir photos with him and assured him that he was learning from him and trying to imitate some of his skills.

• Pele said: “If I am the king of football, then Larbi Ben Mubarak is the god of the game.”

• The late Brazilian star said that Ben Mubarak would have developed football if he had been born several years later, instead of 1917, to coincide with the golden age of football, noting that the Arab “black jewel” was a source of inspiration for him in Brazil.



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