meaning, when it is and how it affects each sign

The end of the year is coming, but the Astros don’t give us a break. It is that the fickle, lively and curious Mercurio will wear retrograde from the December 28, 2022 between grades 24 and 8 of Capricornwhere will you park until January 18, 2023when it will resume its direct movement.

The cielo notifies us that a complex period. For this reason, some more than others we must be careful with the unforeseen changes and confusions.

What is Mercury Retrograde?

There are periods in cyclic path of a planet in which it appears to slow down, stop, and then reverse its orbital direction: This phase is known as retrograde.

From time to time, all the planets (except the Luna and the Sol) they look like stop its movement in the sky and go backwards.

Every so often, the planets (except the Moon and the Sun) seem to stop moving across the sky and go backwards. Photo: Shutterstock

This movement retrograde (or receding appearance) is a consequence of the difference between the rotational speeds of the planets when viewed from a point also in motion, the planet looks like it is going backwards” in the sky.

We can compare this movement with the illusion that we would experience if we were in a vehicle that starts to move next to another that moves more slowly and it seems to us that the one next to us is going backwards, although it is only a optical illusion.

What is the astrological meaning of a retrograde planet?

Accustomed to the stability of an average daily speed, the planet manifests, then, the need not to continue moving (symbol of the acquisition of new experiences) and, instead, begins to traverse previously traveled degrees (symbol of past experiences).

Between the two, there is a period of almost total absence of movement called Stationary phase. In it, the planet presents an unusual inner stillness and composure.

All these apparent phenomena are essential to the astrological interpretation of retrograde planets.

In reality, no planet moves backwards. Although the retrograde condition is an illusion astronomicalcreated by the accelerated movement of the Earth, does not invalidate the influence that retrograde planets exert on the human personality.

Although it is an optical illusion, it does not invalidate the influence that retrograde planets have on the human personality.  Photo: Shutterstock

Although it is an optical illusion, it does not invalidate the influence that retrograde planets have on the human personality. Photo: Shutterstock

The period of “parking lot” it occurs when the planet does not seem to move because it hardly moves forward. The ancients assigned bad meaning to the first parking lot which is what the planet does before going retrograde.

“A planet in its first parking lot is like a man who is troubled, not knowing what to make of himself and whose end is bad,” they said.

Instead, when It ends its retrograde motion. and he parks before turning directly his gaze is more encouraging. “In the second parking lot he is like a man who hopes for some good and in the end his hope is fulfilled,” the medieval astrologer Ben Ezra tells us.

Therefore, the periods in which we must be more attentive is when i know park before changing its movement to retrograde and during the retrogression itself, especially if in that zone of the zodiac some point of our birth theme has been sensitized.

What does Mercury retrograde mean?

The humanist astrologer Alexander Ruperti explains: “When Mercury is retrograde the general trend will be mental introversion. This means that people will worry regarding personal matters and have less energy for objective activity and personal relationships“.

And he adds: “Consequently, the most prudent thing to do is do not force results nor rush into new plans in those moments, since people will tend not to be interested in the projects of others. When Mercury is retrograde, one must watch and wait trying to objectively understand what is going on inside us.”

With Mercury retrograde we have less energy for objective activity and personal relationships.  Photo: Shutterstock

With Mercury retrograde we have less energy for objective activity and personal relationships. Photo: Shutterstock

From the point of view of the astrological interpretation, a planet that moves in a direction contrary to the natural order is an anomaly, going in the wrong direction. Therefore, in general, the retrograde is considered a weakness.

Mercury retrograde on December 28, 2022: its effects on each zodiac sign

Mercurio It is the planet that for Astrology represents the principles of communication and reflection; it is the one that governs our interests and abilities; and it is the one that is related to our displacements and our adaptability.

It is the planet that governs the teachingeducation, our immediate environment, neighbors, brothers, transportation, messages and all forms of written or oral communication such as mail, email, telephone, papers and contracts.

All these areas can be disturbed or altered during this period.

When Mercury goes retrograde any circumstance that begins in those moments may not turn out as we thought at first, since retrogradation represents a period in which the concepts associated with the planet make it difficult to express it.

Retrograde Mercury affects different zodiac signs.  Photo: Shutterstock

Retrograde Mercury affects different zodiac signs. Photo: Shutterstock

Ancient astrologers considered a retrograde planet to mean bitterness and destruction above all that governed.

Mercury retrograde in the sky it’s time to revise, rearrange, recapitulate what we have already done, finish what is pending but not to start anything.

You will have to take special care of don’t make hasty decisionss in this period because its consequences will not be happy.

As each time Mercury retrogrades, there will be tendency to mistakes. Therefore, it will be necessary to try to avoid errors in judgment, and not follow impulses.

However, if we stop to reflect, they can be very creative times where we will become more intuitive, receptive and it will be useful for us to review situations.

This time Mercury retrograde between the last grades and the first grades of Capricorn. This can fundamentally affect the natives of the Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra y Capricorn.

Likewise, it should pay attention because those who do not know their Christmas letter they might, however, have tender points in those degrees and be equally affected.

This transit of Mercury retrograde does not affect when Mercury was retrograde also at the time of birth. In that case, on the contrary, instead of hindering, it favors.

The rest of us have been warned… Precautions will have to be taken.

Mercury Retrograde 2023 Dates

Mercurio is the planet that is never very far from the sun (does not move away from the Astro Rey more than 30°) and retrograde 3 times a year (more frequently than any other planet). Their retrograde period lasts forever 22 days.

It is 2023, Mercury will retrograde in Earth signs. Therefore, the material and concrete issues they can be affected during each three-week period, which is the time Mercury is in retrograde.

Every year Mercury goes retrograde three times for 22 days each.  Photo: Shutterstock.

Every year Mercury goes retrograde three times for 22 days each. Photo: Shutterstock.

1-Mercury retrograde in Capricorn from December 29, 2022 to January 18, 2023.

2-Mercury retrograde in Taurus from April 21, 2023 to May 15, 2023.

3-Mercury retrograde in Virgo from August 23, 2023 to September 15, 2023.

4- Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn from December 13, 2023 to January 2, 2024.

The humanistic approach to Astrology suggests that one consciously use the Mercury retrograde periods in the attempt to reorganize and order the mind.

​By Patricia Kesselman, astrologer and professor of astrology and tarot. On Instagram: @horoskopo.

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