Enjoyment and well-being in the workplace, the differentiating strategy of HEINEKEN Spain

After the outbreak of the pandemic, the importance of physical and mental health has been gaining more and more ground among the concerns of the population of our country. Fear, uncertainty and the feeling of loneliness were the emotions that Spaniards experienced the most during confinement, so learning to manage these situations has become one of the most effective solutions to guarantee our well-being.

To reinforce mental health and safety, as well as to reduce the levels of anxiety and stress that are increasingly present in society, companies such as HEINEKEN Spain have developed health programs focused on addressing physical, emotional, professional and social problems of your employees. An example of them is Healthy Mind, which includes a psychological care service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Confidential and anonymous help to face the challenges of daily life, which they can use whenever necessary and which, furthermore, can be extended to their families.

The Healthy Mind program also offers legal support services, financial counseling and social workproviding his team with tools to manage complicated situations as a couple, divorces or conflicts when it comes to maintaining a balance between work and family life, among others.

The brewery also works for the physical care of its employees with its project Healthy HEINEKEN, an initiative designed to prevent all kinds of diseases, both common and serious. From cardiovascular problems to early detection of cancer. Along with this, the company also offers its own medical service that includes second opinions from professionals, pharmacy at home, private prescriptions and insurance with which employees can have the service of the best specialists in case of accidents.

For greater work-life balance and flexibility, smart working

The pandemic has also meant a before and following in companies in face-to-face matter. Thanks to teleworking, an activity that seems to have come to stay in many companies, many employees work even more from home, which means not getting to disconnect.

With the aim of offering greater flexibility and guaranteeing the reconciliation of personal and professional life, HEINEKEN Spain has implemented its own model of Smart Working. What does it consist of? It is a hybrid modality with which each employee can telework 64 hours a month and distribute them as you prefer, from a few hours a day to full days, but always within the established business hours. This customization, which adapts to the needs of each person, also positively influences their productivity. So much so, that 9 out of 10 employees claim to be more productive following the implementation of this work system.

In addition, it has launched different disconnection measures for digitization to help your employees be better connected, but not always. Among them we find its Digital Wellbeing program or the “green time” initiative, which marks the end of the working day by limiting the sending of mobile messages or emails.

All these services focused on the well-being of people have been very well received by the employees, which has generated a better work environment and a greater sense of commitment and belonging to the company. A great success for a company that considers enjoyment an essential part of its business. Demonstrating that HEINEKEN Spain, in addition to producing great beers, is a company that works by and for people.



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