CAF: payment dates affected by a shift in 2023

As a rule, the CAF pays its social benefits every 5th of every month. Moreover, the payment schedule for the year 2023 is already available. This schedule indicates that some payments will be delayed by a few days.

A few more days to wait

There is no point in recalling this since the recipients of the family allowance fund already know that. The payment of CAF benefits (family allowances, RSA, housing aid, etc.) is normally made on the 5th of each month. Each payment is made for the previous month.

Moreover, Medina sings it in “Let’s go kids”one of the titles of his latest album:

“I know that caf allowances fall the day following the 4th.”

That said, the Le Havre rapper should consult the 2023 CAF calendar. Indeed, next year, CAF recipients will have to, for certain months, wait a few more days to receive their benefits.

On its website, the organization reminds :

“If the 5th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, Caf makes payment on the nearest working day (excluding weekends and public holidays). »

4 deferred payments by CAF

In 2023, out of the 12 benefit payments, 4 will be subject to this delay. Starting with the January allocations which will be paid on Monday, February 6, 2023. They should therefore appear from the next day on the account of the beneficiaries. The same goes for the February allocations.

Indeed, CAF will pay them from March 6, 2023, because the 5th of this month will fall on a Sunday. For the allowances of July on the other hand, it will be necessary to wait a little less long. Indeed, they will fall one day before, on Friday August 4th.

On the other hand, to collect payment of october, we will have to wait until Monday, November 6, 2023.

No problem for the other 8 installments

For the other eight installments of the year 2023, there will be no problem. Indeed, the 5th of January, April, May, June, July, September, October, and December will fall on a working day.

CAF points out that recipients can access the details of their last payments. To do this, they will have to go to the website of the family allowance fund or on the mobile application “Caf — my account”.

The complete CAF calendar

This is what it looks like full payment schedule CAF allowances:

  • December 2022 allocations: 05-01-2023
  • January 2023 allocations: 06-02-2023
  • February 2023 allocation: 06-03-2023
  • March 2023 allocation: 05-04-2023
  • Allocation d’avril 2023 : 05-05-2023
  • May 2023 allocation: 05-06-2023
  • June 2023 allocation: 05-07-2023
  • July 2023 allocation: 04-08-2023
  • August 2023 allocation: 05-09-2023
  • September 2023 allocation: 05-10-2023
  • October 2023 allocation: 06-11-2023
  • November 2023 allocation: 05-12-2023
  • December 2023 allocation: 05-01-2024

Remember that depending on your bank, your account might be credited 1 to 3 days following payment of the CAF.

A phenomenon of non-recourse

In 2022, social benefits of the CAF were raised twice to offset inflation. We can say that the government is really doing its best to help the French in this difficult time. That said, CAF notes that the rate of non-use of these aids is rising.

Currently, regarding 10 billion in social assistance sleep in the crates. This phenomenon of non-recourse concerns the social benefits of various organizations, including the CAF. Those of Pôle Emploi and the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie also.

We are talking regarding non-recourse when eligible persons to one or more social benefits do not receive them. This phenomenon concerns financial aid as well as non-financial ones in the context of personal services, for example.

It may seem surprising, but many French people are still unaware of their rights. And this, despite financial difficulties and declining purchasing power. That said, they sometimes miss out on hundreds of dollars a month, for various reasons.

According to CAF and MSA estimateseach quarter, the amounts not paid are equivalent to more than 750 million euros.

The reasons according to CAF and MSA

The non-appeal is important at CAF and MSA. But also at the Caisse Primaire d’assurance Maladie. For example, 36% of those eligible do not claim the Active Solidarity Income. 57 and 70% miss out on complementary health care.

Between 21 and 34% people do not use their Universal Health Coverage. So many figures to show the extent of this phenomenon. The latter also concerns, at 20 and 28%, the Personalized Autonomy Allowance. The latter, it is the Departmental Council and not the CAF which pays it.

With regard to the CAF activity bonus, 27% of French people do not claim it. The problem is that until now, the non-complainants have never received an alert. Thus, certain devices will see the light of day in 2024 to “to encourage greater use of available social benefits”.

In effect, Jean-Christophe Combe said :

“From 2024, the Family Allowance Funds (CAF) will therefore send forms for requests concerning the RSA, the activity bonus or other, as is the case for the pre-filled tax declaration”.

In addition to the lack of information, this non-use is also due to the complexity of the benefit system. But also, to dignity and shame. The our-services website explains it:

“The question of dignity and the shame felt in asking for help can also come into play”.

What are the proposed solutions

To avoid this phenomenon of non-recourse, organizations such as CAF and MAS offer a solution. This is the simplification of the formalities for receiving certain allowances. Indeed, currently, almost all applications for social benefits are made online.

Recipients therefore no longer need to travel. Also, these service providers can be accompanied in their procedures if they encounter difficulties. There are advisors available for this and they can be reached by phonein an agency or by videoconference.

However, the importance of non-recourse still persists despite the introduction of this new system by CAF and the MSA. Indeed, they report that millions of euros still to be paid to people in precarious situations. People eligible for certain social benefits who do not claim them will soon receive pre-filled applications.

This is to provide additional assistance. The process will thus be simplified, because theywill have more than two tasks to accomplish. First, they will need to complete the document. Two, they will have to return the completed document to the agency in charge of their file to begin to enjoy their rights.

Source : MoneyVox



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