The US court maintains a health measure that limits immigration

The decision to install the action resulted in the procedure known as "Article 42" And that temporarily defuses a crisis in front of the administration of President Joe Biden, with thousands of immigrants gathering at the southern border in the hope of canceling the article and allowing the registration of asylum applications.

The court accepted, by a vote of five to four, a petition from 19 states that said they would see a massive influx of immigrants if the "Article 42"Which makes the border with Mexico open.

The court said the policy introduced under former President Donald Trump would remain in place pending its decision on a lawsuit in February challenging a scheme to cancel "Article 42".

After the Supreme Court’s decision, the White House on Tuesday urged reform US immigration system.

White House spokeswoman Karen Jean-Pierre said in a statement "To fix a truly broken immigration system, we need Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform".

The ruling gave a deadline for the Biden administration, which had accepted another lower court ruling that it might not continue to apply "Article 42" To prevent people crossing the southwest border from seeking asylum.

US authorities intercepted regarding 2.5 million people trying to cross the US southern border in the 12 months to November.

And in March 2020, it did Trump administration "Article 42" Which allows for health reasons to prevent illegal immigrants who are stopped at the land borders from entering the country.

But there are rare exceptions for some nationalities such as Ukrainians since Russia invaded their country, as well as for unaccompanied minors.

Human rights activists and experts consider that the procedure violates international law, and they consider, in particular, that preventing a potential asylum seeker from submitting a request in this sense is an issue. "Inhumane".

In their opinion, the measure encourages migrants to cross borders clandestinely and take increased risks to reach the United States by crossing deserts or dangerous rivers.


The decision to install the work resulted in a procedure known as “Article 42And if temporarily to defuse a crisis in front of the administration of President Joe Biden, with the crowd of thousands of immigrants at the southern border in the hope of canceling the article and allowing the registration of asylum applications.

The court accepted, by a vote of five to four, a petition from 19 states that said they would see a massive influx of immigrants if “Article 42” was revoked, making the border with Mexico open.

The court said the policy introduced under former President Donald Trump would remain in place pending its decision on a lawsuit in February challenging a scheme to overturn Section 42.

After the Supreme Court’s decision, the White House on Tuesday urged reform US immigration system.

“To fix a truly broken immigration system, we need Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform measures,” White House spokeswoman Karen Jean-Pierre said in a statement.

The ruling gave a deadline for the Biden administration, which had accepted another ruling by a lower court, that Article 42 might not continue to be applied to prevent people crossing the southwest border from seeking asylum.

US authorities intercepted regarding 2.5 million people trying to cross the US southern border in the 12 months to November.

And in March 2020, it did Trump administration Article 42, which allows for health reasons to prevent illegal immigrants who are stopped at land borders from entering the country.

But there are rare exceptions for some nationalities such as Ukrainians since Russia invaded their country, as well as for unaccompanied minors.

Human rights activists and experts consider that the procedure violates international law, and they consider, in particular, that preventing a potential asylum seeker from submitting a request in this sense is “inhumane”.

In their opinion, the measure encourages migrants to cross borders clandestinely and take increased risks to reach the United States by crossing deserts or dangerous rivers.



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