Resolutions 2023, towards personal and community well-being

In a few days it ends 2022a year that has undoubtedly been full of challenges, but also achievements that have allowed us to meet our goals. Today that we are in the eve of 2023traditionally we use these dates to consider new purposes May they guide our walk in the year that we have at the door.

That is why, in this last collaboration of this year, I take the opportunity to make a count of the challenges that I consider essential to keep in mind for 2023, not only to have a better year, but above all to have a better life.

The first of them must be to consider the commission of pay with our actions and habits to improve the planetsince it is not only the place where we live, but we also need its biodiversity to have a good quality of life.

For this, it is necessary to consider the reduce las carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere, which, although the majority are produced by large industries, from our trenches we can also pay for this task.

In this sense, the challenge for the coming year should include putting into practice habits As the reduce the use of plastics and of articles disposablein addition to Recycle and reuse the waste that is obtained from various containers and attachments of daily use.

Also, it will be necessary to try reduce car use and even, if possible, consider using the bicycle as an alternative means of transportation, which, in addition to contributing to ecology, allows us to put the body in motion and thus have better health.

In the same way, it is important to try to give the the greatest possible use of electronic devices and deviceswhich will not only contribute to generating less waste and reducing the call “planned obsolescence”but also not to fall into consumer practices that affect our pocket.

Another very important purpose ask ourselves for him 2023 should be trying to buy local products, with which we will not only contribute to the economy of the small producers and to reactivate the local market, but also to consume more organic and artisan products.

Of course, one of the main goals to be achieved should be to improve personal finances. In this sense, it is not enough to desire it, but one must work in a planned way to achieve it, so before the start of the year it will be important to carry out a Strategic plan that allows us to visualize debts, savings and investments.

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Since it is not only a matter of having a reserve fund to face the economic shocks of the coming year, but to make our savings productive investing in projects or ventures that allow us to obtain yields and with it economic growth.

And it is that the financial predictions for 2023 are not favorable in many ways, however, it is also a fact that we can manage to find opportunities to face them and even help those around us have access to a better family economy.

But, above all, the biggest challenge that we must consider for 2023 must be to bet on having a better well-being that allows us to be well in an integral way, both in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realm.

because it is not possible to be good in communitybut you are good at it personal. For this, it will be necessary to take care of health, with good eating and physical activity habitssuch as doing sports daily, as well as having regular medical check-ups.

Of course, it will also be necessary to seek a good mental and emotional healththrough meditative practices, relaxation and even going to a therapist or psychologist who can professionally guide us on this path.

Likewise, we must consider the purpose of putting in the center the spiritual well-beingthrough the reflection of our beliefs and a personal introspection within ourselves.

Because although in each year that begins we have the opportunity to reconsider the goals to be achieved, through the purposes, we can also establish the path to follow to achieve them.

Therefore, my proposal is that for the elaboration of the purposes let’s take the time to establish them from the approach of realistic goals and above all the resources we have to put them into practice.

I am convinced that this 2023 will be a good year for everyone, since despite the challenges and vicissitudes that we may face, we also have the ability to take advantage of them and take advantage of the opportunities.

*The opinions expressed in this section are the sole responsibility of those who issue them and do not necessarily represent the editorial line of the Ángulo 7 news portal.



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