The reason why Mario Vargas Llosa and Isabel Preysler broke off their engagement

This Wednesday the cover of the magazine ¡Hola! surprised his readers with the news that Isabella Preysler y Mario Vargas Llosa They decided to put an end to their relationship permanently.

following almost eight years of romancethe couple has not been able to save their love following experiencing a sentimental crisis that has led to the award Nobel Prize in Literature to leave the domicile of the socialite and begin to lead separate lives.

Though Preysler He did not want to address the details of the break, a source from the publication assures that “unfounded jealousy and arguments” have been the main reason for both decided to separate.

“I do not want to give any further statement and I thank my friends and the media for helping us in this decision,” were the words of the mother of Enrique Iglesias to the Spanish magazine.

recurring attitude

There had already been talk of a sentimental crisis in mid-December, but both remained silent. In fact, a few days ago they were caught at a party at the prestigious Mandarin Oriental Ritz Hotel in Madrid, an event they did not hesitate to attend, but separately.

However, December was not the first time that Mario “he left the house”, indicates the article of Hello! “It had happened once before for the same reason.and that this attitude is recurrent is what has convinced Isabel that it is not worth continuing to bet on a relationship with no future that makes them both unhappy”.

At the interview, Preysler It also clarifies that the reason for this separation was not due to third parties, but rather that both have lost, “little by little, the illusion of the beginning“.

Isabella Preysler y Mario Vargas Llosa They had made up one of the most mediatic couples in the press, especially since at the time of making their relationship official, in 2015, the Nobel Prize winner was still married to Patricia Llosahis cousin, and with whom he had recently celebrated the golden anniversary of his marriage.

How did your relationship start?

The loving relationship between Mario e Isabel arose in 2015, when both agreed on an organized trip to visit the then Prince carlos of England at Buckingham Palace.

The Filipina had been widowed the previous year. While Vargas Llosa had just celebrated the golden wedding with his ex-wife, Patricia. But the love between the two grew and became evident, and in a short time the news of their relationship was confirmed precisely by the magazine that announces their separation today.

Since then they made up one of the most mediatic couples in entertainment, especially for their respective trades: he, politician and writer; she, socialite, businesswoman and a permanent protagonist of magazines.

In 2020, during the celebration of the tenth anniversary of his award Nobelthe Peruvian had told the Spanish media that his new partner he had renewed in him his vocation as a writer. “The best thing that has happened to me in my life,” she said at the time.


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