Atrys buys the oncology company Initia in Spain and the Chilean Chilerad for a total of more than 10 million


Atrys has decided to buy the oncology company Initia in Spain and the Chilean Chilerad for a total of 10.5 million euros, as reported to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).

Specifically, it has acquired 100% of Initia Oncologia and 70% of Initia Research for an aggregate amount of 2.25 million euros at a fixed price and a variable payment (‘earn out’) amounting to 185,000 euros linked to compliance in the year 2024 of a series of conditions, including the renewal of certain contracts with clients, reaching a minimum Ebitda and that the vendors continue providing medical services in the company.

Initia, is a company specialized in the provision of medical oncology services in the Autonomous Community of Valencia, of recognized prestige with accredited care and research activity.

On a financial level, Initia’s income in the 2021 financial year was 2.11 million euros. The company has no financial debt.

On the other hand, Atrys has signed a purchase agreement for the acquisition of 100% of the company Telmed and 100% of the company Prestaciones Médicas e Inversiones Chaxa, both called Chilerad.

The aggregate amount paid amounts to 8.05 million euros at a fixed price, of which 7.43 million euros are paid in cash and 0.62 million euros are paid with the delivery of 103,879 shares at a price of 5.98 per share ( through delivery of treasury shares of Atrys) a variable payment (‘earn out’) amounting to 0.85 million euros linked to reaching a minimum Ebitda of 1.01 million euros in 2022.

Chilerad is a Chilean company dedicated to the provision of Teleradiology services in Chile that began its activity in the year 2008.

It is estimated that Chilerad will end the 2022 financial year with a turnover of 5.7 million euros and an adjusted Ebitda of 1.01 million euros, without a net financial debt position.


To undertake these acquisitions, in Spain and Chile, Atrys has carried out a capital increase charged to monetary contributions and excluding pre-emptive subscription rights for an amount of 10.5 million euros.

Thus, the company will issue 1,761,705 new shares, representing 2.37% of the share capital before the capital increase, with an issue price of 5.98 euros per share.

This issue price coincides with the average price of the Atrys share on the Spanish Stock Markets of the last 30 sessions immediately prior to the date of the capital increase.

The capital increase has been awarded in its entirety in favor of qualified investors following carrying out a negotiated process that has been addressed to a limited number of investors, including, among others, Onchena, current shareholder of Atrys represented in the board of directors, who has agreed not to transfer the shares that have been awarded to it for a period of three months from the date on which the corresponding deed of increase is granted.



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