Many people feel severe pain in the ear, in addition to a sudden hearing impairment, which is caused by the accumulation of large amounts of wax inside the ear. Despite the importance of wax in preserving the ear, the problem appears if it does not come out of the ear automatically, which needs to be It is taken out of the ear to get rid of those severe pains that appear in the ear, in addition to restoring the efficiency of the sense of hearing.
Removal of wax from the ear
The wax is supposed to come out of the ear automatically, as following it plays its role in protecting the ear from bacteria and dust that may harm the ear, but sometimes it accumulates inside the ear, causing severe pain, and the matter may develop into severe ear infections and many other diseases. Other complications, so care must be taken to keep the ear always clean to avoid these complications.
How to get wax out of ear at home
Some may have to go to the doctor to do ear washing sessions and clean them of wax and dirt accumulated inside. If the matter is simple, you can clean the ear at home in an easy way by making a saline solution, where a cup of warm water is brought and a spoonful of salt is placed in it and stirred until it is completely dissolved. Then put a clean piece of cotton inside the solution, then put it inside the ear and leave it for five minutes before it is taken out, and you will notice the wax coming out of the ear.