Covid-19: an Italian tennis player in turmoil

It is a doctor named Daniela Grillone who finds herself at the heart of the investigation. Already questioned five times by the Vicenza Public Prosecutor’s Office, she claims to have written false certificates in 2021 for several hundred people “suffering from diseases or allergies, “to protect their health.” The doctor will soon be heard by a judge, so that her statements can be used in the event of a trial.

Among Daniela Grillone’s clients, well-known names: the singer-rapper “Madame”, but also Camila Giorgi, professional tennis player (66th WTA). Members of the player’s family would also be involved in this fraud.

Did Camila Giorgi use a false document to travel freely? The 30-year-old has so far declined to comment. According to Italian media, the Italian police got their hands on this fake vaccination certificate.



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