Almost all national dailies will raise their prices in January

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Paris (AFP) – Faced in particular with soaring paper costs, almost all national dailies will increase their prices on newsstands in early January, by 10 to 30 cents, they announced to AFP on Tuesday, confirming information from the specialist letter Mind Media.

The rates of Le Monde, Les Echos and Le Figaro will thus rise, during the week, by 20 cents, to 3.40 euros, like that of Liberation, raised to 2.70 euros.

An increase of 20 cents will also be applied to the weekend offer (with an additional magazine) of Les Echos, which will reach 6 euros, Le Monde increasing its own by 30 cents, to 5.20 euros.

The price of La Croix will drop from 2.40 euros to 2.70 euros from December 30.

And the different editions of the Team will cost 10 cents more from January 2 (at 2.30 euros during the week, 3.30 euros at the weekend, and 4.60 euros for the monthly weekend offer including France Football), such as Humanity (2.60 euros) and Humanity magazine (4 euros).

On the other hand, “Le Parisien”, which already increased its price by 10 cents in September, will still be sold at 1.90 euros.

In a context of crisis in the paper press and erosion of single-issue sales in favor of digital, newsstand prices have been rising regularly in January for several years.

But there is also a “historic increase in paper prices” and “industrial costs”, explained to AFP the chairman of the management board of the Le Monde group, Louis Dreyfus, justifying increases “indispensable” to “maintain self-financing ” and the “editorial investments” of the newspaper.

“In just one year, the price per tonne of newsprint has gone from 400 to 1,000 euros”, underlined last week Le Télégramme, a regional daily which will also raise its price by 10 cents at the start of 2023.

For his part, the publisher and director of the “print division” of L’Equipe, Eric Matton, assures that it is a question of “maintaining” the “journalistic quality” of the title in a “context of transformation”, the daily athlete betting on increasing its digital subscriptions.



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