Dean of the Medical College of Peru: Bivalent vaccine against COVID-19 will offer protection for one year

The dean of Medical College of Peru (CMP)Raúl Urquizo, highlighted the acquisition of the bivalent vaccine against COVID-19which will arrive in January 2023 as announced by the Minister of Health, Rosa Gutiérrez.

Speaking to Things as they are from RPP NewsUrquizo stated that initially this vaccine it will serve to inoculate the population at risk and health workers who are on the front line. Likewise, he explained that this inoculation is a combination of formulas and that, therefore, it will allow longer protection.

“The bivalent, so that it is understood, is a combination of the Sinopharm and Pfizer vaccines, that is, the RNA with the same virus. It is a combination that will protect longer. (It is made) by Modern y Pfizer. So, this vaccine is going to protect one year; that is, no longer 5 months as currently or four months depending on the comorbidity, ”she said.

Request to the population

Along these lines, the dean of the CMP pointed out that, although the arrival of this vaccine represents good news for the country, it is necessary for the population to understand that they must continue with the vaccination scheme against COVID-19. This is because the vaccination figure is currently low, especially in the population at risk that could suffer more in the event of a possible contagion.

“If this vaccine is going to protect one year, it is a pretty good indicator for the rates of death or illness to decrease significantly, but the obligation of the population is to go get vaccinated, because the Ministry of Health currently has vaccines and we still have the population at risk over 60 years of age, that only 25% have been vaccinated with the fourth dose at the national level and should be above 70 or 80% ”, he added.

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arrival of vaccines

On the eve, the head of the Ministry of Health, Rosa Gutiérrez, indicated that the first batches of doses of the bivalent vaccine against COVID-19 they will arrive in January 2023. According to him, his sector has already carried out the administrative procedures for the arrival of these vaccines; however, he did not give an exact date for the arrival.

“We have done all the administrative procedures. We understand that I am ten days (as minister), but we have done this exactly four days ago, and in the month of January we must have the bivalent vaccine here (in Peru) ”, she said.

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