Beijing takes multiple measures to ensure the supply of medicines, and many pharmacies sell antipyretics in packs of 10 pieces “disassembled and zeroed”

Source title: Beijing has taken multiple measures to ensure the supply of medicines A reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily visited several pharmacies yesterday to sell antipyretic medicines in packs of 10 pieces “disassembled and zeroed”

Pharmacies set up “removal and zero counters” to sell acetaminophen tablets and ibuprofen tablets.Photographer/Reporter Yuan Yi

Guaranteeing the supply of 10 commonly used drugs, dismantling and selling antipyretics, opening up green channels for special groups in the surrounding area, and opening WeChat groups to provide medication consultation for customers… The recent peak of the epidemic is also the peak of citizens buying drugs. The reporter learned from the Beijing Food and Drug Administration , In order to ensure the supply of drugs, the special class for drug supply guarantees is dispatched at high frequency 24 hours a day, insisting on multi-point overall planning, scientific and efficient distribution, accurate and rapid delivery, and practical guarantee of demand. Drugstores have also launched targeted service measures to ease the anxiety of citizens buying medicines.

The city’s special team will raise funds in a unified manner, and the drugs will be sent directly to the headquarters of chain pharmaceutical companies and designated warehouses in each district following reaching the warehouse at the first station; the special teams in each district will take the initiative to connect with each other, and will go to the designated wholesale enterprise to receive epidemic-related drugs as soon as possible and quickly deliver them to pharmacies; top ten drugs The chain headquarters standardizes the dismantling and retail sales of medicines. According to the market supervision department’s market spot check on the sales of 10 commonly used antipyretic and cold medicines in 851 pharmacies in the city, 10 key medicines have been generally sold in pharmacies in various districts recently, and some pharmacies have 1 or 2 out of stock of medicines, which are being accelerated. Make great efforts to allocate and make every effort to ensure the residents’ demand for medicines.

Antipyretic and painkillers sold

On Dongsi North Street, Tongrentang Pharmacy Dongsi Store has been here for more than 20 years. During the epidemic, in order to allow more patients to buy medicines, Tongrentang Drugstore disassembled and sold antipyretic and painkillers.

At the dismantling counter of Tongrentang, a reporter from Beiqing Daily saw that acetaminophen tablets and ibuprofen tablets were divided into 10 and 20 tablets per pack, respectively, and the prices were 0.54 yuan and 3.16 yuan, respectively. Li Jinlei, the store manager and licensed pharmacist, told Beiqing Daily that the acetaminophen tablets in the store were 1,000 tablets per bottle. In order to facilitate more patients to buy the medicine, the store staff disassembled them and sold them. The usage and dosage are posted. Although the medicine is “removed”, the service will not be reduced.

During the epidemic period, citizens’ demand for medicines increased significantly, and Tongrentang also provided professional pharmacist consultation services while selling medicines. Li Jinlei introduced that citizens are currently consulting more regarding some symptoms in the late stage of the new crown, such as cough, and pharmacists will advance medication according to the specific symptoms. Fei Pills.” Li Jinlei said that the licensed pharmacist in the store will also provide training for the store staff, so that they can serve customers more targetedly. Li Jinlei said that following the outbreak of this round of epidemic, Tongrentang cooperated with the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government to sell uniformly distributed medicines, and ensured the supply of medicines through the company’s reserves to facilitate customers to purchase medicines in a timely manner.

6 WeChat groups provide continuous consulting services

“Is there an antigen?” “Is there a fingertip oximeter?” “How much is a pack of N95 masks?” In the 23rd branch of Dahuitang Pharmacy, Liu Junfeng, the store manager and licensed pharmacist, manages six WeChat accounts with a total of regarding 2,000 people. In the group, during the epidemic, no matter in the early morning or midnight, he tried his best to reply to the consultations of customers in the group seeking medical advice.

Liu Junfeng told Beiqing Daily that the demand for medicines from citizens was very high in the past two weeks, and there were hundreds of customers in the store every day. Opens at 8pm and stays open until 10pm. “There were only three staff members in our store, and some staff members were also infected. We transferred staff from other stores to ensure the normal operation of the pharmacy.”

The temperature in Beijing in winter has dropped below zero degrees Celsius. In order to reduce customer queues, Liu Junfeng also uses WeChat groups to control passenger flow, “I will post drug information in each group, but not at the same time. I also hope that everyone can come at the wrong time. To buy medicine, try not to queue outside.”

A reporter from Beiqing Daily noticed that when entering the 23rd branch of Dahuitang Pharmacy, the shelves were filled with various antipyretic and cough medicines by category. You can find the medicines you need when you enter the store.

Cui Xiuping, a staff member of the operation department of Dahuitang Pharmacy, told a reporter from Beiqing Daily that following the outbreak of this round, in order to ensure the supply of medicines, the company staff basically worked continuously. “Sometimes the medicines are delivered to the store in the middle of the night, and the store staff have to arrive at midnight The store, our company headquarters was empty a while ago, and everyone went down to the store to serve.”

Open green channels for special groups and deliver medicines to their doorsteps

In Dehou Kangqinghe Pharmacy, pharmacist Wang Congling has just returned from delivering medicine to a pair of elderly people who are nearly 80 years old in the nearby Oak Bay community, and is registering in the notebook. A reporter from Beiqing Daily saw in this medicine delivery record book that the elderly residents of this household needed to deliver medicine once a month on average, and the pharmacy had delivered medicine five times since November. The pharmacy is located in the middle of several residential areas, some of which are mostly elderly people, so the pharmacy provides door-to-door delivery of medicines for special groups such as the elderly, the weak, the sick, the disabled, and pregnant women. At the same time, the drug reservation service provided by the pharmacy also opens up a green channel for the elderly, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant groups, allowing citizens with urgent drug needs to purchase drugs first.

For the convenience of elderly customers, Dehou Kangqinghe Pharmacy opened a WeChat consultation group and added a consultation telephone line. The two telephone lines have not been disconnected. FAQ. “For example, Merrill Lynch and Tylenol, which are antipyretics for children that many customers want to buy, are temporarily out of stock. We recommend ibuprofen dry suspension for babies over half a year old, and at the same time teach customers how to physically reduce fever.” Manager Zhang of the pharmacy told Beijing Youth Daily reporter.



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