Hawaii as a Christmas present

Another year has come to an end, how time flies. It’s time once more to send greetings home. We traveled a lot this year. Don and I took a cruise to Puerto Rico, Grand Turk Island and the Cayman Islands in July. It was wonderful. In August we visited my son Fred in Oklahoma and Don his son in Texas. Now it goes on, we fly to Honolulu for twelve days and are really looking forward to Hawaii. This is our Christmas present. But we want to be home for Christmas Eve and spend the day with the family. There is a big party planned and we invited 35 guests. Christmas is always my favorite time. In April we are planning a trip to Bremerhaven, I can hardly wait to come home once more.

Merry Christmas

First I would like to say hello to my sister Karin Müller, I miss you the most and we look forward to seeing you back home soon. We wish my sister Karin Müller and Fred Plahutnick a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Greetings go to the families Winfried Zimmer, Gaby, Melissa, Patti, Nina and children, Connie Niemayer, Jens Brederock and Daniela, Gerd Söchtig, Andreas and Nicole , Reinhold and Ilse Meinking, Marion Skotarzak and Patrik, also to Uli and Renate Reckmann, Heiner Adolf, Dietmar and Manuela Sowinsky, Ernst Paper, Uwe Reh, Kapt. Heinrich and Hannelore, Wolfgang and Carla Kreuzmann, Traute Beutler, Günter and Ilse Zahlten , Dieter Fulle and Ilse and Marion Örtel.

Thanks for calls and maps

Merry Christmas to my dear friends who have not forgotten me even following 64 years. Thank you for your calls, cards and friendship, dear Traude, Carla, Marion and Ilse Breier. Don and my children join in these wishes. Merry Christmas dear ones, we will be thinking of you.

Marion Morgan b. Broadrock

Florida, USA



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