Pope Francis denounces during Christmas mass “the thirst for power” which leads some to “devour their neighbors”

Cover image: Pope Francis addresses believers during Christmas Mass, at St. Peter’s Basilica, in the Vatican, December 24, 2022. ANDREAS SOLARO / AFP

  • A Russian strike on the market in Kherson, southern Ukraine, Saturday, December 24, left at least ten dead and fifty-five wounded. ” It’s terror, it’s killing to intimidate and [prendre] some pleasure “lambasted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
  • On Friday, Kherson, recaptured in early November by Ukrainian forces, had already been the target of seventy-four Russian strikes, according to regional authorities, resulting in a total of five dead and twenty-two injured, according to the regional administration.
  • In the East, Russian strikes are still “regular” on Bakhmout, that the Russians have been trying to take since the summer, deplored the Ukrainian presidency. “Freedom comes at a high price. But the price of slavery is even higher”said Mr. Zelensky during his evening address.
  • Without specifically mentioning the war in Ukraine, Pope Francis denounced Saturday, during the traditional Christmas mass, greed and the thirst for power, which leads some to want “devour their neighbours”.
  • The US Congress passedon Friday, a vast federal services finance bill, including 45 billion in aid for Ukraine.
  • The Dutch government announcedon Friday, the provision of a total envelope of 2.5 billion euros in support for Ukraine in 2023including 2 billion in military aid.
  • The Russian Ambassador to the United StatesAnatoly Antonov, estimated on Friday that relations between the two countries were at a ” ice Age “, Russian news agency Tass reported. Mr Antonov also warned that the risk of conflict with Washington was ” raised “.
  • The United States calledFriday, with a touch of irony, Russian President Vladimir Putin, to recognize the reality of the conflict in Ukraine and to withdraw his troops after his use of the word « guerre »proscribed by the Kremlin, during a press conference.
  • The discovery of a possible double agent working on behalf of Russia within the German secret service was considered very worrying by the German vice-chancellor on Friday, other elected officials worrying that this agent could have had access to information from allied services.
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