They produce cheddar cheese in Carora

Albert Suárez Goyo, a cheese producer in the state of Lara (Barquisimeto), was reborn in the Lara market producing a chédar-type cheese “unique original Venezuelan flavor”, according to the label on the packaging for its sale process to the public.

Suárez has managed to produce a 100% cast product that, even when he knows that it originates from another country, has taken advantage of its commercialization because “Venezuelans consume it a lot,” he commented.

About his cheese, he explained, he said “when it gets hot it melts completely”, he also added that the hook of his product is focused on its presentation for sale.

Regarding the existence of cheese in the national market, he affirmed “there is no national product for this product, they were imported and less so in the presentation”.

Why do you say you were reborn?

“It is a rebirth because I was previously a cheese producer in a small company” in this regard, he said that it is La Gloriosa dairy, located in the Pedro León Torres municipality (Carora), the same given the economic situation of three years ago proceeded to close and went with a friend to Medellín (Colombia).

Upon arriving as a migrant in Colombian territory, he reported that since he already had knowledge regarding cheeses, he decided to work in a company dedicated to this area, achieving the objective and being able to share his experience as a cheese producer.

“My knowledge was very useful for them since their work techniques were very different from those here (Venezuela), and what I taught them helped a lot to speed up their work,” explained Suárez.

The learning in the elaboration of cheeses was reciprocal, assumed by the producer who learned regarding recipes and new procedures related to the formulation and maturation of this product.

“After working and learning from them (…) one night I asked my friend: Mano, what are we doing here if we already have knowledge…? responding immediately, “Let’s go to Venezuela and with the little we have we start. That must be achieved!”

This is how you return to Venezuela at the beginning of this year 2022 and La Gloriosa dairy is reborn. “There, we revived cheese making!” exclaimed Suárez Goyo smiling.

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The presentation of the cheese has allowed it to grow

This Torrense cheese producer says that the way in which the cheese is presented is what has allowed him to grow in his business in addition to its particular flavor.

He described that it is available to the public in an “easy and ready” handling format, “we take it to an easy&list level, it is a package that contains 16 slices and each one has its separator”, thus becoming a practical product in its stages of use, conservation and consumption.

Arguing that the current logo of La Gloriosa dairy in Lara state is that sliced ​​cheese, although they also make hand cheese, mozzarella, Guyanese, hard, toncha, matured and among others, seasoned.

Conquest of the Larense palate

Suárez assumed that one of the strongest stages to come back was the process of distribution of sliced ​​cheese, which he described as “slow” due to the little capital he had for the reactivation of his cheese factory.

Since upon arriving in Venezuela he invested in the physical infrastructure, however, he was emphatic in pointing out: “Here we are betting on Venezuela, the country has what it takes, it can invest and get ahead. That is why I tell everyone (…) to bet on Venezuela that together (…) we are going to make it.”

He considered in terms of flavor, “we are the only ones in Lara and in all of Venezuela because there are several Cheddar-type cheeses, but they do not have the flavor of Lácteos La Gloriosa”, corroborating that, “in the easy-to-list presentation, I do believe that I am the only one,” he insisted.

The process of conquering the Larense taste was also illustrated as a bit difficult; narrating that the first buyers in the business did not believe it was of quality.

It had happened that before the disappearance of the import of this type of cheese, some national cheese companies, seeking to lower the cost since the yellow cheese was very expensive; They made mozzarella and added coloring and sold it for yellow cheese.

With that previous experience in the purchase market in the entity, he had to fight until he confidently overthrew the criteria of the merchants who thought: “That’s not cheddar, it’s a painted mozzarella.”

Originally from Cheddar

In the portal it is possible to know some data that identifies the Cheddar cheese originating in the town of Cheddar (England) characterized by its limestone lands and its caves, dating back to the last years of the 12th century.

Precisely the locals made the cheese in the caves, which allowed them to experiment that the temperature and humidity of these caves constituted the appropriate environment for the maturation process of the cheese from there, its denomination.

Cheese producer is part of “Emprender Juntos”

Cheddar cheese producer in Lara, Albert José Suárez Goyo, announced that he is part of the Movement of Entrepreneurs of Venezuela.

For which he made reference to the local coordinators of the aforementioned organization, saying: “hand in hand with César Linares and Ricardo Moreno, we believe that we can take this product to all parts of Venezuela and even for export.”

Suárez’s productive experience is integrated into the 20% existing in the Pedro León Torres municipality (Carora) of the 16,000 registered in Lara on the “Emprender Juntos” platform sponsored by the national government and that the local coordinator Mauricio Orellana recently specified, as the new economic ecosystem under construction.

Suárez, in full production, revealed his confidence in the new government program, from which he demands financial and credit advice to continue growing and strengthening his cheddar cheese business locally, nationally, and internationally.

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