News 24 | Gulf Health: 5 stages of a child falling victim to electronic extortion

The Health Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council has identified the stages of children falling victim to electronic extortion, whether through electronic games or social media platforms.

The council explained that the blackmailer first begins to gradually get to know the child and often pretends to be a person of the same age, and then collects information regarding the child’s interests and personal life.

He added that the blackmailer begins, following these two stages, to gradually build a close relationship with the child, then collects photos and videos from him, as blackmail and threats begin with the impact of the blackmailer on the child’s trust in his family.

He pointed out that the electronic blackmail of a child is divided into 3 types, which are emotional blackmail by requesting pictures, videos and personal information to be used to influence and control the child’s feelings, and moral blackmail by requesting an immoral act, in addition to material blackmail by requesting the transfer of money or gifts to the blackmailer.

Electronic extortion

Electronic extortion



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