“Don’t eat it again after that” Learn about three types of nuts, beware of them

God Almighty has created many things for us, which contain some of the high nutritional values ​​that give the body energy, vitality and activity, and that protect a person from diseases that he may be exposed to throughout his life, and among these things are nuts, as there are many people who love eating nuts

Without knowing from them that there are types of nuts that we must not eat, because they carry some harmful substances that may cause us a lot of damage, so we have come to you with this article to learn regarding the types that people should avoid eating

Nuts have negative effects.

Without knowing from them that there are types of nuts that we must not eat, because they carry some harmful substances that may cause us a lot of damage, so we have come to you with this article to learn regarding the types that people should avoid eating

Peanut damage

Some studies also indicated that some of these types of nuts are unhealthy for the human body, as macadamia nuts contain large proportions of fat and calories. As for pine nuts, it is one of the nuts with bitter and unloved food. As for peanuts, it contains substances that may cause liver cancer, so it is advised Lots of people don’t eat these nuts.

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