“Also jealous, abuser! How I love it! ”: Agata Muceniece let slip about her new boyfriend

Agata Muceniece has been building a career in Russia for many years. She became a famous actress. Fans love her for her role in Closed School. Recently, the premiere of the comedy “Honest Divorce 2” also took place. So far, only in her personal life, she has not found happiness. After her divorce from Pavel Priluchny, it took her time to get used to a new life.

However, Priluchny got married once more this year. He now lives with Zepyur Brutian. Rumor has it that the couple is expecting a baby. Muceniece reacted calmly to the ex-husband’s wedding. She only regretted that he did not call her with the children: Timothy and Mia.

And now the actress is increasingly appearing in public in the company of men. She recently filmed in Dava’s video. And they played a couple. And in a new interview, Muceniece let slip regarding her new romance, but concealed the name of her boyfriend.

Read even more news in our Telegram channel «star dust».

The talk regarding the new guy came when the artist said that she likes the character of the werewolf in the book “The Sacred Book of the Werewolf” by Viktor Pelevin. However, the writer Alexander Tsypkin noticed that this character is quite rude, harsh and boorish.

“Yes, I just like these images,” said Agatha.

“But this is an abuser,” said the presenter.

“Yes, I love them! I love abusers! It’s really true! Recently, I started to communicate with a young man completely. And he is also so jealous, the abuser! How I adore! Still holding on, ”the actress shared.

By the way, she admitted that all her exes are very similar in character. However, Muceniece does not know how he will behave in a new relationship. According to her, she was not jealous before. But the actress is trying to work on herself.



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