The Apple Watch Ultra is one of them. new device New device from Apple launching in late 2022. This new device is acclaimed as his one of the most complete digital watches on the market, with great hardware complemented by great software features and internal innovations. His one of these innovations is the integration of dual GPS that allows you to get a more precise position. Apple confirms the following in their support documentation: The latest generation Apple Watch utilizes integrated GPS without requiring an iPhone connection. I’ll let you know following the jump.

The new Apple Watch will take advantage of integrated GPS

The Big Apple’s first smartwatches were the Apple Watch and Apple Watch Series 1. These two devices didn’t inherently feature GPS connectivity within the watch’s hardware, but instead extracted location information thanks to connectivity with the iPhone. but, Starting with the Apple Watch Series 2, they all had a GPS chip Ensure user location in all watchOS features.

There have always been questions regarding location manipulation and when the watch’s own GPS connection was used. Apple has resolved these questions in the following ways: Support document The footnote states:

Apple Watch Ultra, Series 8, and SE (2nd generation) use the Apple Watch’s built-in GPS, even when your iPhone is nearby. To conserve battery life, older Apple Watch models use iPhone GPS when possible.

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This allows you to check that Apple Watch Ultra, Series 8, and 2nd generation It uses the GPS chip built into the watch itself, even when your iPhone is nearby. It’s a difference because it’s a watch so far (up to Series 2). Uses the iPhone’s GPS as long as the iPhone is nearby. It is only intended to guarantee and optimize battery usage. However, the new watch is already hardware-optimized to use GPS without relying on the iPhone.