Nayanthara replied to Malvika Mohan who indirectly criticized her. In an interview, Malavika had asked how Nayanthara’s character in the film Raja Rani is acting in full make-up even when she is regarding to die. Nayanthara responded to this criticism in an interview related to the movie Connect. Nayanthara said that even though Malavika did not say her name, she understood that it was meant for her and that she does what the director tells her.
“An actress criticized me for sitting in full make-up in a movie. She didn’t mention my name, but I understood that it was regarding me. She said that I acted in full make-up in a hospital scene and my hair and face were perfect without falling out. Does one want to be in a hospital with messy hair? I also cleaned the patient’s hair in the hospital. Won’t there be someone to give, look following and take care of? There is a big difference between a realistic film and a commercial film. When doing a realistic film, you have to act without any make-up as you see in real life. But in a commercial film, make-up is done in a way that the audience likes. This scene was in a commercial film. In that film, I acted as directed by the director. .I am an artiste who always obeys the director.
Malvika made the controversial comment during the promotional interview of the film Master.
“Recently I saw a film of a superstar actress. They were acting in a hospital scene. There they are regarding to die but even in that scene they were in full makeup. Not a hair had changed. Even if it’s a commercial movie, don’t you need some realism in your acting? Malavika asked, “How do you act in full make-up without any damage even when you are dying?”