Flu wave earlier and stronger than ever


The flu hit Austria particularly early and hard this year: there is currently a record high number of illnesses, and there are also infections with the corona and RS viruses. Experts expect the wave to last “a few more weeks”.

Last week, 966 cases of real flu were reported in Lower Austria, compared to 365 cases the week before. For comparison: in 2021 there were 13 and 21 cases in the corresponding calendar weeks. The figures come from the ÖGK – they do not record cases of illness in children, pensioners and the unemployed.

For the whole of Austria, the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) recently calculated an incidence of 4,338 influenza and flu-like infections per 100,000 inhabitants – this number includes not only real flu but also corona and RS viruses. In Lower Austria, the ÖGK recorded 22,582 sick notes for flu or flu-like infections and 4,323 sick notes for coronavirus infections last week.

Second wave of influenza is not expected

So far, the influenza season has peaked in January or February. However, doctors had expected that this would occur earlier this year: Because there has been no or only a very small flu epidemic in the last two years, immunity has dropped, says virologist Stefan Aberle from Meduni Vienna. Because many would not have gone through influenza infections. In addition, there is also the omission of the CoV measures.

It is not possible to predict how strong and how broad the current wave of influenza will be – but according to Aberle it will last for at least “a few weeks”. Vaccination is therefore still useful now. It prevents a serious infection and “to a certain extent the circulation” in the population, according to the virologist. However, according to Aberle, a second big wave is not to be expected this winter.



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