In the 2022 tax reform, a new tax regime for legal entities called “Simplified Trust Regime” (RESICO) was contemplated, applicable to those that are only constituted by natural persons, whose total income in the immediately preceding year does not exceed the amount of 35 million pesos.
Among the obligations that these taxpayers have, is the monthly presentation of provisional payments and their annual declaration, which must be sent no later than March 31, 2023.
Therefore, it is interesting to know that on the page of Internet The SAT application is now available for these taxpayers to submit their annual return, depending on how they are registered.
Here you must fill in the following tabs:
- Income: where they must indicate if they have exempt or non-cumulative income
- Authorized deductions: Salary payments are already pre-filled. In the case of investments, it must be indicated if the investment percentages of the General Regime of law or in accordance with Title VII of the LISR (RESICOS) were applied.
- Determination: The fields of the PTU and in case of tax losses are noted
- Additional data: If you are obliged to pay the PTU in accordance with the LFT ceiling, write down the data of the CUFIN, and CUCA
With this, as of January 2023, the taxpayers covered by this note are now able to submit their annual return.