Julio Borges criticized Guaidó and Leopoldo López for “interim government”

They consider that they have “fallen into inertia”.

The former president of the National Assembly and leader of Primero Justicia, Julio Borges, attacked Voluntad Popular and criticized the actions of Juan Guaidó and Leopoldo López to justify the call for the end of the interim government. “He has disintegrated and fallen into inertia.”

In the recent book published by Editorial Dahbar: “La patria que viene”, Borges recounted details regarding April 30, 2019 and described the presence of Guaidó and López at the La Carlota distributor -together with the military who supported Maduro’s departure- as “a unilateral action of VP”; and he condemned “what broke a consensual process with high-level Chavismo actors to remove Nicolás Maduro from power by constitutional means.”

According to a report by Curadas, Borges assured that the partisan agenda has deepened since 2017, fracturing the opposition and this has led Maduro to remain in power, despite the rejection of more than 70% of Venezuelans.

“In 2022, following the opportunity of Juan Guaidó and the interim government, having not achieved the objective of democratic change for Venezuela, we entered a new unprecedented chapter for the fight for the freedom of the country. We must understand why, following building the international coalition in support of a country in dictatorship, the international dynamics on Venezuela have weakened.”

Borges in “La patria que viene” also explains that what was expected of the interim presidency was that it become a movement of democratic resistance and achieve an internal break with Chavismo, which would allow the departure of Nicolás Maduro.

“What I can say is that it was a unilateral and surprising action that diverted the road they were building and dynamited the liberation option that we had built with so much care and effort during those months. Because while all of us – including them – made progress surgically building a consensual path of change with a high probability of success, they decided to take other paths. This unilateral military action was not foreseen, nobody knew regarding it. It broke and destroyed everything we had built, ”he insisted.

For Borges, the consequences of these events were devastating for the opposition. The ties were broken, the trust within the opposition with Maduro’s interlocutors and with international allies was seriously affected and has not yet been repaired.

“After April 30, everything deflated. There was no more street, there was no more route. April 30 was followed by a wave of repression that weakened the National Assembly and in a few days the interim government made the unilateral decision to launch negotiations in Barbados. We went from conspiracy to negotiation in less than 30 days.”

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