Sequel to the hit film released in 1996 with Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton, “Twisters” will be released in French theaters on July 17, 2024. The story should center on the daughter of the two main characters, who has also become a tornado hunter.
The appointment is made. Amblin Entertainment Studios and Universal have just revealed the theatrical release date for ‘Twisters’, the sequel to the action movie ‘Twister’, which followed a gang of tornado chasers starring Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton in the lead roles. .
It is on July 17, 2024 that French spectators will be able to discover this sequel whose story should be centered on the daughter of Bill and Jo Harding, the couple formed by the two actors on the screen, who followed in the footsteps of their parents to become a tornado-obsessed scientist.
The direction was entrusted to Lee Isaac Chung, who was nominated for the Oscar for best director in 2022 for his film “Minari”. The screenplay will be written by Mark L. Smith, known in particular for his work on the film “The Revenant”.
For the moment, no precise information on the casting has been revealed. The American site Deadline however indicated that Helen Hunt had been approached to take over the role of Jo Harding.