This character traveled through time thanks to AI (the images are stunning)

Normally, it’s impossible to get the photos posted by the “Stelfie the Time Traveler” Twitter account, unless you’re really good at photomontage, or recreate the scenes like in the movies. But in 2022, we can also count on artificial intelligence, which is capable of generating very realistic fake photographs. And it is this technique that the account of “Stelfie” used to generate the photos of his time travel.

Time travel with AI

On the account, we see a photo of Stelfie chased by a mammoth during the Ice Age, a selfie with a dinosaur, a photo taken during the construction of the pyramids of Egypt, a selfie next to the Horse of Three, and a selfie with Leonardo da Vinci.

All these images were not taken with a camera. And besides, Stelfie does not exist. According to explanations from Ars Technica, the author of the account, who remains anonymous, created the fictional character (the one who “takes” the selfies) using the Character Creator tool. Then, he trained the artificial intelligence Stable Diffusion with the face of this fictional character. This one also used custom AI models to get the landscapes. And following some corrections, he was able to generate these very realistic fake shots.

And this fake time travel isn’t just regarding the past, as Stelfie also has some snapshots in the future.

Very convincing images

The use of AI by the artist behind Stelfie’s account is very original. And once once more, it demonstrates the level of realism that can be had on the images generated by Stable Diffusion. But it is also possible to train this AI with your real face (instead of inventing a character), in order to obtain photos of you in fictitious situations.

In a previous article, we told the story of a producer who tricked his family and friends into believing he had a new life, thanks to images posted on Instagram, when he was almost did not come out of his house. He had used fake photos of himself, generated using Stable Diffusion artificial intelligence, to trick people into thinking he moved to Los Angeles, rented a really nice apartment, bought a new car, that his career has taken off, and that he regularly meets celebrities. He ended up confessing following a month!



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