Emotional and physical support as fundamental elements to face cancer and its treatment

Gynecological cancer is the third most common among Spanish women1. And behind each case, there is a story of overcoming both physically and emotionally; a path full of doubts, stress and emotional ups and downs in which adequate support is an important aspect of treatment.

Endometrial cancer is the most frequent followed by ovarian cancer and cancer of the cervix or cervix.2. Each of them has different symptoms and requires specialized treatment, a prevention plan and specific care. For this reason, knowledge on the part of the patients of the processes and the stages that are crossed is fundamental. Fortunately, in recent years there have been advances in both treatment and prevention that have led to a decrease in mortality from these diseases. However, when faced with a diagnosis of gynecological cancer, it is common for women to feel sadness, fear and uncertainty.

Aware of the impact it has on their lives, the biopharmaceutical company GSK, through its patient area ( https://pacientes.gsk.es/) -whose objective is to support people who have to deal with different pathologies, including gynecological cancer- launched the communication campaign “My name is Esperanza”, the result of a working group made up of patients, oncologists, gynecologists and primary care physicians, in order to shed light on all the shadows that patients experience. The campaign reflects the Hope of doctor-patient communication and how it affects health outcomes. Also the Hope of knowledge, holding schools/patient workshops to address issues such as nutrition, physical exercise, sexuality and psychology and other dynamics such as the “Road to Hope”, a documentary that tells the story of a group of patients diagnosed with gynecological cancer who decide to embark on a journey of self-improvement together with two oncologists to the town of La Esperanza in Tenerife.

Last June, a series of workshops took place at the Onconature center in Granada, a project that was born from the experience of Dr. Julia Ruiz Vozmediano when she saw the need of her patients to improve their quality of life through therapies. complementary. Since the beginning of her work in the field of Integrative Oncology, Dr. Julia has followed a very defined line with a scientific basis in all the therapies she uses, positioning herself as a benchmark at the national level. These workshops are intended to help these women, physically and emotionally during the treatment of the disease. In total, there were three workshops that took place last June. The first of them was the Pelvic Floor Workshop, given by Ana Campos Ramos whose objective was to help attendees improve their cancer process with different relaxation techniques and with exercises that help them strengthen the pelvic floor. .

The second of these was the Nutrition Workshop, led by Onconature nutritionists, in which the attendees learned the benefits of a healthy diet. In it, in addition to preparing adequate and healthy menus, many of their doubts in this regard were clarified.

Finally, in the Art Therapy Workshop directed by Karolina Faulds, the disease was approached from art therapy, a discipline that reinforces self-knowledge and helps to overcome the fears and stress surrounding cancer.

The best way to assess the impact of these workshops is to talk to the people who have participated. Carmen Manzano, one of the attendees, affirms: “Above all, it has helped me to meet other patients in a situation more or less similar to mine in these workshops. I have experienced it as an important support. The contents have been adequate, even funny, you have a good time and forget your routine. The environment also helps a lot because it transmits peace and relaxation. And Dr. Julia inspires confidence and security. You connect on one side and disconnect on the other. Very positive”.

The help that these types of workshops provide to patients is invaluable. They provide a space to share personal experiences and understand the disease from other perspectives, receiving and giving a lot of hope.

Carmen Ponce, assures that “with respect to the workshops I have to say that I found them fantastic. The speakers were very good, the place was great and the reception of Dr. Julia was unbeatable. If it were repeated, it would seem to me the best, since living together, even if it is only for a day, with people who suffer from the same disease, encourages a lot “

Another of the attendees, María Nieves Vega, assures that “the course has helped me improve both physically and emotionally. I have learned a lot and met great people.” Gabriela Vanal, “for me the workshop was very positive; Meeting people who are going through the same thing as me helped me, I learned to eat better and the painting and gymnastics workshop helped me to let go of tensions and feelings that I didn’t know how to channel. Hopefully these workshops can continue, they are very helpful”.

In short, a fundamental initiative that offers women suffering from gynecological cancer support at all levels and a way to relate to people in the same situation that helps them share experiences and hopes at this stage of their lives in which that are found.

GSK in its Oncohematology unit works on research, development and continuous innovation, which helps to transform the quality of life of affected women, transforming together, cancer into hope. Because the well-being of women tomorrow will depend on the progress made today.

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For more information, consult your doctor.

1.European Cancer Information System (ECIS). Estimates of cancer and mortality in 2020, for all cancer sites. 2020. Disponible en: https://gco.iarc.fr/today/online-analysis-table?v=2020&mode=cancer&mode_population=continents&population=900&populations=724&key=asr&sex=2&cancer=39&type=0&statistic=5prevalence=0&population_group=0&ages_group%5B%5D=0&ages_group%5B%5D=17&group_cancer=1&include_nmsc=0&include_nmsc_other=1#collapse-group-0-4 Access: May 2022.

2. Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM). Cancer figures in Spain. 2022. Available in:

https://seom.org/images/LAS_CIFRAS_DEL_CANCER_EN_ESPANA_2022.pdf Access: May 2022.

3. Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM). International Women’s Day. Available in:

https://seom.org/images/NP_Dia_Internacional_Mujer_2022.pdf . Access: May 2022.

This content has been developed by EU Studya creative branded content and content marketing firm from Unidad Editorial, for GSK.



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