Woody Harrelson’s surprising message for the Argentine team

Since the argentinian national team became world champion for the third time, personalities from all over the planet turned to the networks to congratulate them. This Tuesday, the images of the effusive and massive welcome to the players were replicated by the media around the planet and, once again, one of the biggest stars in Hollywood dedicated a few words to the Argentine team.

This is Woody Harrelson. The actor went to his social networks on Tuesday to share one of the postcards of the reception of the Argentine people to the selected outside the Ezeiza airport, and revealed that he feels a bit jealous for not being able to be here to participate in the celebration.

“Congratulations Argentina! A well-deserved hero’s welcome!” He began writing on his Instagram account, along with a photo in which Lionel Messi, Ángel Di María, Rodrigo De Paul, Lautaro Martínez and some of his teammates are seen walking on the roof of the bus that took them to the premises of the Argentine Football Association (AFA), surrounded by people who cheered them on.

“I am happy and jealous that my daughter and son-in-law were on the streets there to witness it”, confessed the actor, who is the father of three women, Zoe, Deni and Makani. And, like some of his more famous colleagues, the protagonist of Murderers by nature He referred to the final match between the Argentine team and its French counterpart, which ended with the triumph of the team led by Lionel Scaloni. “It was truly the best match I have ever seen!”he assured.

The same Sunday that the final was played, minutes after the Argentine victory, one of the most euphoric when it came to showing her fanaticism for Lionel Messi, the team captain, was Catherine Zeta Jones, who from her Instagram account celebrated the victory by singing “ole, ole, ole”. In that message, just like Harrelson would do two days later, she was surprised by the level of the sporting event. “The best match I’ve ever seen!” She defined it herself. And then she, in a way, she apologized to the French: “Look, I support Paris Saint-Germain. I love the French, I speak their language, too. My heart goes out to you, but you have to understand.”wrote.

“I love Messi. And the best? My husband has no problem with that. So don’t cry for me or anyone else, Argentina. Hey!”wrote the actress married to Michael Douglas along with a video, where she is heard screaming while recording the celebration of the players on the court.

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Anya Taylor-Joy, the actress born in the United States but of Argentine and British nationality, was also elated by the victory of the selected team. In her networks, she shared the image of her television at the moment in which Messi was seen. “Oh my God,” she is heard saying. The protagonist of Lady’s Gambit accompanied the photo with the surname of the Argentine captain, tears and the Argentine flag.

Another of the most euphoric was Zoe Saldaña, who dedicated several posts in her Instagram stories to the Argentine triumph: in one of the clips she is seen toasting the victory, in another Messi is seen raising the cup and finally, she shared the image of a light blue and white ball.

Ben Stiller, meanwhile, has already shown his fanaticism for Argentine athletes on more than one occasion, and this time he did it again. The actor – who is a friend of the tennis player Diego “Peque” Schwartzman and usually encourages him in his networks – has also been moved by the national triumph. “Congratulations Argentina”, he tweeted along with the hashtag Messi.

Another of the celebrities who used their networks to express their joy at the Argentine victory was Russell Crowe, who called our ten an icon. Immediately, his publication on the bird’s social network collected thousands of likes and comments matching the actor.


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