The superfood that lowers cholesterol and enhances memory

It is no secret to anyone that maintaining good health conditions is achieved with positive habits such as good nutrition, constant exercise and good sleep. These customs, for example, make it possible to promote different aspects of the body, including cholesterol and memory.

To reduce blood cholesterol and enhance memory there are various foods that should be included in the diet. One of them, according to the portal Cordoba Newspaper, They are walnuts, one of the best-known nuts and one that is frequently consumed in various presentations. Its properties have popularized the walnut as an ideal option for those who pursue a healthier lifestyle.

According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, it is believed that this dried fruit originates from Persia, but it has not been possible to establish it clearly. What is certain is that since ancient times it has been consumed for its characteristic flavor and is especially remembered for its resemblance to the human brain.

Among the nutritional composition of the walnut, the aforementioned entity highlights, several essential components for health are listed, such as minerals and vitamins. Specifically, this dried fruit contains significant amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, and selenium.

On the vitamin side, the walnut is rich in vitamins from the B family, such as B1, B3 or niacin, folates and vitamin B6. As is well known, the B vitamin complex is essential for the proper functioning of the body, since it is involved in the formation of DNA, in the stimulation of cellular activity, as well as in the production of red blood cells.

In this line, As the nut is rich in Omega 3, it helps reduce blood cholesterol. And, due to its other mentioned components, it improves the capacity of neurons, thus enhancing memory.

Vitamins that improve concentration and memory

Memory is the storage process to later recall information and concentration is the ability to maintain attention on a certain activity.

However, with the passage of time, both memory and concentration decrease as a natural part of aging, but to slow down the process, The Spanish revealed the top ten vitamins that improve memory and concentration:

1. Vitamin A: helps the formation and maintenance of healthy teeth, bone and soft tissues, mucous membranes and skin.

2. Vitamin E: it is an antioxidant, also known as tocopherol. Helps the body make red blood cells and use vitamin K.

3. Vitamin D: It is also known as the “sunshine vitamin” because it is produced by the body following exposure to sunlight and this vitamin helps the body absorb calcium. It also helps maintain proper blood levels of calcium and phosphorus.

4. Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Helps keep skin and nerves healthy.

5. Vitamin B1 (thiamine): helps body cells convert carbohydrates into energy. It is also essential for the functioning of the heart and healthy neurons.

6. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): It is essential for normal brain development and for keeping the nervous system and immune system healthy.

7. Folate (folic acid or B9): works with vitamin B12 to help in the formation of red blood cells. It is necessary for the production of DNA, which controls tissue growth and cell function.

8. Vitamin B12: it is a nutrient that helps maintain the health of neurons and blood.



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