“In the car in heavy snow” Survival method If you don’t know, you die? Important Issues (Morning Show): J-CAST TV Watch[full text]

“In Niigata Prefecture, where there was a record heavy snowfall, a woman was found dead in a car buried in the snow. Police are investigating it as carbon monoxide poisoning. (December 19th) Cars got stuck on national highways, etc., but it’s still happening in some areas,” said host Shinichi Hatori. In the “Morning Show” on the 21st, Professor Katsuhisa Kawashima of the Research Institute of Disaster and Reconstruction Science, Niigata University gave a commentary and called for precautions when staying in a car in the snow.

The deceased was a 27-year-old woman living in Yamama, Kashiwazaki City. It seems she was warming herself in the car parked in front of her house because of the power outage. The muffler of the car was buried in snow, and it is believed that carbon monoxide contained in the exhaust gas from the engine filled the car and poisoned it.

  • What to watch out for during heavy snowfall

  • What to watch out for during heavy snowfall

Shinichi Hatori “If it’s cold and you wake up, put it on once more…”

Hatori: What’s scary is that carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, and non-irritating. It’s highly possible that you’ve been poisoned without realizing it. Symptoms include a mild headache at first. and fatigue.This gradually develops into dizziness, nausea, etc., which can lead to loss of consciousness and even death.If you are stuck, it is most important to remove the snow around the muffler regularly. That’s it.”

The program also reviewed the appeal on the JAF website. According to the report, even with the driver’s window open five centimeters, the concentration of carbon monoxide reaches a level that causes fainting in two hours. In the case of gasoline vehicles, the environment inside the vehicle deteriorates in a short time, so it is necessary to properly ventilate and stop the engine periodically.

Professor Kawashima: If possible, it is important to prepare warm clothes and not run the engine too much.Carbon monoxide may fill up while you are sleeping, so it is better to turn off the engine especially when you are sleeping. is good

Hatori: When I wake up in the cold, I turn it on and turn it off once more… it’s a repetition of that.

Keiko Hamada (Journalist) “When you go to a place with even a little bit of snow, prepare a shovel to clear the snow around the muffler. Also, blankets and food. I need to be prepared.”

Toshiki Abe (Social Entrepreneur and CEO of Ridilover) commented, “I can’t imagine how long it will take for the muffler to be buried.” According to Professor Kawashima, in the case of heavy snow like this time, if the height of the muffler is regarding 30 centimeters, it will be covered in regarding 3 hours.

Abe: “You can easily sleep for 3 hours. Sleeping is dangerous in the first place.”




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