CFL: Let’s try to untangle the new adventures of the Montreal Alouettes

MONTREAL – It’s never easy with the Montreal Alouettes. While stability was sought, the president is shown the way out, which casts a shadow over the appointment of new head coach Jason Maas. Let’s try to figure out what’s going on.

For those who gravitate around the organization – and for many supporters – it is no secret that a standoff existed between Mario Cecchini, the president whose contract was not renewed, and Gary Stern, the club’s minority shareholder.

Stern had the last word with the majority shareholders so the option to Cecchini’s contract was not exercised.

This decision was surprising given the progress shown – even if it remains timid – by the Alouettes with the public. But she surprises even more, because Maciocia had explained publicly that it would be a blow to lose her ally.

Maciocia therefore had to continue with his hiring process and announce his new head coach with this uncertainty at the rung above him. Besides, you have to read Stern’s responses to disappointing comments from some supporters on Twitter to understand that another president will be hired. To be continued …

But, we have to admit right away, Maas left a very good first impression. As a leader of men and for his skills in football, one can hardly doubt his qualities.

However, Maciocia has often repeated that he should advocate Quebec resources for equal talent. He still deemed it preferable to turn to Maas instead of giving a chance to André Bolduc who rose through the ranks and lived everything over the years with the Birds.

“I can understand why we talk a lot regarding André. He spent 8-9 years with the team and he did a good job. But you can make the same argument with Noel Thorpe and maybe Anthony Calvillo. The other one who had quite an interview, and I wasn’t surprised, was Byron Archambault. But when I look at the current context and my research on the history of the candidates, Jason was, by far, the best candidate”, reacted Maciocia on this subject.

“I had a very good conversation with André on Monday. I coached him as a player, coached him at the college level, and watched him grow in the organization. He was probably at a point in his career where he wanted to experience something else. His kids are a bit more independent now and he can afford to have that experience,” Maciocia submitted as Bolduc accepted a challenge with the Saskatchewan Roughriders.

After surviving so many storms in Montreal, Bolduc mightn’t stay with the Alouettes. We assume that patience has its limits when it has been several times that we prefer another candidate.

About the loss of Cecchini in the organizational chartMaciocia retained a retainer.

“Everyone knows my feelings towards Mario, it’s no secret. But we announce a head coach and we should focus on this individual who will take our team to the next level. And I believe that Mario would have liked me to answer like this, ”commented the DG without being able to skin the owners for their particular management of the situation.

You had to read between the lines to understand that Maciocia is walking on eggshells in the unusual context of the Alouettes when the majority owners have never met the media to explain their vision.

“We don’t control everything, we are aware of that. But what we control, we will dedicate ourselves to it 100%, we will give everything. I started here in 1996 volunteering for two years. So I have a great attachment to this organization and I want to have an impact so that it becomes part of my legacy. I hope that the people who come following me will inherit a better run organization,” said Maciocia.

The good news is that he believes he has the maximum budget under the salary cap to build his troop.

“I would say yes, I think so, I hope so,” he replied with a smile.

This touch of humor thrown at Glen Constantin, the driver of the Laval University Rouge et Or, spoke volumes.

“He made me understand that he was fine. So I told him to keep his job because if he leaves it, I may apply on it, ”explained Maciocia who sounded out his interest.

Promotion for Archambault, LBJ hesitant

Stability also had to go through the return of the majority of deputies from the 2022 campaign.

So we know that Bolduc will not be back. However, Byron Archambault will continue his rise with the Alouettes as he inherits the title of assistant head coach while retaining his mandate as special teams and recruiting coordinator!

Anthony Calvillo remains associated with the Alouettes as offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach, but he will hand over the responsibility of selecting plays to Maas.

However, there is no guarantee that Luc Brodeur-Jourdain will remain on the coaching staff. It is not impossible that this man of many passions decides to spend more time with his wife and young children.

As for Noel Thorpe (the defensive coordinator), he chose to stay in the nest despite the great disappointment of not having obtained the position of head coach.

Greg Quick (defensive line) and Michael Lionello (receivers) have also agreed to new deals.

If Brodeur-Jourdain left his position, the Alouettes would lose a second very important French coach in the Quebec market.

Although Maas only spent a few months with the Alouettes in 2007, he understands the sensitivity towards French and he has repeated more than once that he intends to devote real efforts to getting by in this language eventually. .



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