Watchmakers’ workforce at its highest since the mid-1970s –

Boosted by exports posting record vigor, the workforce of the Swiss watch industry returned at the end of September to its level of the mid-1970s. months earlier.

The bar of 60,000 employees had not been exceeded for almost 50 years, indicated the Employers’ agreement of the Swiss watch industry (CP) tuesday. The increase is part of a context of watch exports expected at a record level this year, following a historic month of November at more than 2.4 billion francs, or a leap of 10.9% in annual comparison.

The increase brings the branch’s workforce back to a magnitude more familiar since the quartz crisis. The latter had reduced the workforce from nearly 90,000 to 30,000 between 1970 and 1988, recalls the press release. The staff has since doubled.

The figures come from the annual census of the branch. For Jean-Claude Biver, former president of the LVMH watchmaking group, they can be explained in particular by the fact that the image and status of the watch have been worked on over the years. In addition, “the watch has become a fashion item and not just a timepiece,” added the watchmaker on Tuesday in Forum.

“The economic and political situation is not necessarily bad for the sale of works of art, culture or collectibles. In times of crisis, we seek refuge in what is not going to go out of fashion and what will perhaps even increase in value”, emphasizes Jean-Claude Biver once more.

Workforce concentrated in production

In order to meet the strong demand, watch companies have concentrated most of the commitments on production personnel. The latter’s workforce recorded an increase of 9.3% (+3,780 employees), confirming its role as a true indicator of the health of the sector.

Administrative staff appears, as for the previous period, down by 463 units (-3.1%) and that of management has experienced a slight increase of 31 posts (+1.9%). The increase in the number of beneficiaries of higher education (+7.9%) or a trades diploma (+4.7%) continues, allowing the rate of qualified personnel to remain above 70% of the overall workforce.

The number of apprentices saw a decrease of 115 (-8.1%). The decline is explained by the health crisis encountered over the past two years, which has adversely affected the opening and allocation of apprenticeship places. The trend should probably be reversed in the future, believes the Employers’ Convention.

Neuchâtel is the most watchmaking canton in Switzerland

The top three of the most watchmaking cantons in terms of numbers remain unchanged, with Neuchâtel (16,278), Bern (12,865) and Geneva (10,987) still sharing the podium. The “Watchmaking Arc”, made up of these three cantons as well as Jura, Vaud and Solothurn, centralizes the majority of workers, with more than 9 employees out of 10 of the total workforce.

“True cradles of subcontracting”, Neuchâtel and Jura achieved the highest increases with respectively 1,215 (+8.1% in one year) and 629 (+9.6%) additional workers.

The companies subject to the collective labor agreement (CCT) signed with the trade unions in the sector are also by far the majority: with an increase of 2,597 people for the contracted branch, the 507 companies represent three quarters of them and occupy 51′ 604 people.

The rate of workers exercising their activity in companies subject to the CLA in the sector was 84.8% for this year. The watch industry remains one of the most contracted economic sectors in Switzerland.

>> Read also The watchmaking workforce close to the level of the 1970s




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