Meeting of the Central Census Commission on Military Service to decide on the lists of conscripts for next year

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 5:11 PM

Rabat – The Central Census Commission on military service held, Tuesday in Rabat, a meeting devoted to drawing up lists of people called upon to fill in the census form to perform military service for next year.

In accordance with the High Instructions of HM King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, Supreme Chief and Chief of the General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces (FAR), concerning the adoption of the necessary measures for the integration of the next promotion military service on June 1, 2023, the Minister of the Interior informs young people aged between 19 and 25 on June 1, 2023 that the census operation relating to military service will begin next week, Wednesday December 28 2022 and will end on February 25, 2023.

In this respect, indicates a press release from the Minister of the Interior, the Central Commission, chaired by the President of the Chamber at the Court of Cassation, proceeded during its meeting on Tuesday, December 20 at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior, in accordance to the provisions of the law relating to military service and the implementing texts relating thereto, to the decision on the lists of persons called upon to complete the census form to perform military service for the next year, while taking into account consideration the principle of equality between citizens and balance between regions.

On this occasion, the Minister of the Interior invites young people who will receive an opinion from the local administrative authorities, by themselves or by a member of their family, to complete the census form via the site “” and this from the beginning of the census operation on December 28th.

The Minister of the Interior informs all young people fulfilling the age condition that they can, from the date of the launch of the census, ensure through the same electronic site whether their names appear on the lists of called upon to complete the census form to perform military service.

On the other hand, adds the press release, the Minister of the Interior informs young people, of the female and male sex, who have not been invited to fill in the form and who wish to perform military service, that they can fill it in on the same site for the duration of the census operation, namely from December 28 to February 25, 2023.

The same possibility is guaranteed by law for the benefit of young people among the members of the Moroccan community established abroad, registered in the consular registers and wishing to perform this service.

The Minister of the Interior also indicates that young people can obtain information relating to military service, either from the local administrative authorities closest to their homes or from the intelligence services created in the prefectures, provinces and prefectures of district or through the electronic site “”.

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